What's My Line? , a weekly panel game show ran from 1950 to 1967, whose objective was to guess the unusual occupations of contestants. Hosted by John Charles Daly and with panelists Dorothy Kilgallen, Arlene Francis and Bennett Cerf -- Caricature by Al Hirschfeld
Puzzle by Joe Krozel, edited by Will Shortz
All of the across entry/clues of this puzzle are people and their occupations: 1. Guitarist LES Paul, 4. Sportscaster MARV Albert; 8. Singer ANITA Baker, 13. Humorist ART Buchwald, 14. Comedian LOUIE Anderson, 15. Philosopher DENIS Diderot, 16. First lady IDA McKinley, 17. Director ORSON Welles, 18. Comedian WANDA Sykes, 19. Mezzo-soprano REGINA Resnik, 21. Poet SARA Teasdale, 23. Author IAN Fleming, 24. Actress NELL Carter, 26. Statesmen ARIEL Sharon, 28. Director STANLEY Kubrick, 31. Author ALEC Waugh, 32. Actor COREY Feldman, 33 Baseball player CARL Yastrzemski, 35. Humorist ERMA Bombeck, 39. General OMAR Bradley, 40. Designer PERRY Ellis, 41. Newsman CHET Huntley, 42. Tennis player, PETE Sampras, 43. Country singer LUKE Bryan, 44. Dancer IRENE Castle, 45. Economist ADAM Smith, 47. Actress ANNETTE Bening, 49. Political advisor KAREN Hughes, 51. Civil rights figure ROSA Parks, 52. Novelist ANN Radcliffe, 53. Keyboardist MERL Saunders, 56. Skier TAMARA McKinney, 60. Actress RENEE Zellweger, 62. Composer AARON Copland, 64. TV writer/host ROD Serling, 65. Nurse CLARA Barton, 66. Soap actress ILENE Kristen, 67. Actress ALI MacGraw, 68. Poet ALLEN Ginsberg, 69. Basketball player NATE Archibald, 70. Newspaper editor BEN Bradlee.
The downs are not: 1. Place to hibernate, LAIR; 2. Earth, in Essen, ERDE; 3. Unaccompanied, STAG; 4. A pep talk may boost it, MORALE; 5. Neighbor of Ger., AUS; 6. Carriers of water to los ocĂ©anos, RIOS; 7. VENA cava; 8. Pop-up producing program, ADWARE; 9. Cultural grant org., NEA; 10. Certain navel, INNIE; 11. Kind of basin, TIDAL; 12. Dumb AS AN ox; 14. In need of company, LONELY; 20. The body’s balance regulator, INNER EAR; 22. Good news on Wall Street, RALLY; 25. Lecture hall LYCEUM; 27. Good Humor product, ICE CREAM; 28. Old English bard, SCOP; 29. No light reading, TOME; 30. “I smell A RAT”; 31. Overdue debt, ARREAR; 34. Genesis craft, ARK; 36. Orator’s skill: Abbr., RHET; 37. Puzzle completion?, MENT; 38. Perfectly, after “to”, A TEE; 40. Creator of shavings, PLANE; 46. Humiliate, DEMEAN; 48. Zero, NOT ONE; 49. Mournful ring, KNELL; 50. Yearly record, ANNAL; 52. Old Spanish treasure chest, ARCA; 54. Parade stopper, RAIN; 55. Follower of “ooh” or “tra”, LA LA; 57. Spirited horse, ARAB; 58. Credits listing, ROLE; 59. Tennis edge, ADIN; 61. Bard’s “before”, ERE; 63. Abbr. after many a general’s name, RET.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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