12.24.09 -- EVE

Thursday, December 24, 2009 -- Christmas Eve

Puzzle by Nancy Solomon, edited by Will Shortz

EVE in nine squares of this Christmas EVE crossword with no reference to Christmas is this puzzle’s main feature. Or is it Adam’s EVE?

Across: FOR[EVE]RAND[EVE]R (17A. In perpetuity); MAIN [EVE]NT (29A. Fight night highlight); [EVE]LKNI[EVE]L (38A. Fate-tempting motorcyclist); EL[EVE] (41A. One in the charge of un instituteur); N[EVE]RN[EVE]RLAND (59A. Pan’s place); R[EVE]LS (61A. Has a blast).

Down: CL[EVE]LAND (4D. Cavaliers’ home); CL[EVE]R (8D. Sharp); MOUNT [EVE]REST (11D. It was conquered in 1953); SLE[EVE]LESS (24D. Like tank tops); IRR[EVE]RSIBLE (28D. Impossible to change); AL[EVE] (30D. Tylenol competitor); PAR[EVE] (47D. Made without milk or meat); PE[EVE]D (52D. Put out); R[EVE]RE (53D. Midnight alarm giver).

Remaining across: 1. Light in a bad way, TORCH; 6. Emmy-winning character actor James COCO; 10. In, Amid; 14. Novelist ITALO Calvino; 15. Spanish pot, OLLA; 16. Astronomer’s sighting, NOVA; 19. Twin, DUAL; 20. Sense, FEEL; 21. Locks, HAIR; 22. Edible tubes, PENNE; 23. Concertedly, AS ONE; 25. Monopoly token, HAT; 26. How the obvious may be disguised, THINLY; 33. Green, to Goya, VERDE; 34. Go “pfffft”, STALL; 36. Dakota Indian, REE; 37. 35mm camera type, SLR; 40. Suffolk female, EWE; 42. Sources of filets mignons, LOINS; 43. “Ghosts” playwright, IBSEN; 45. Deluge, TORRENT; 47. With a saucy style, PERTLY; 48. French possessive, SES; 49. Ho-hum, BLASÉ; 51. Big pictures, EPICS; 53. Belly laugh, ROAR; 54. Monopoly token, SHOE; 58. Tony winner BEBE Neuwirth; 62. Tough trip, TREK; 63. Opposite of hindered, AIDED; 64. Olympian ODES (classical works); 65. Delilah portrayer HEDY Lamarr; 66. Relish, ENJOY.

Down: 1. Bit of a dustup, TIFF; 2. Plains Indian, OTOE; 3. Red inside, RARE; 5. 26-Down adjustment: Abbr., HOR; 6. Big name in late-night, CONAN; 7. Any song on a 78, OLDIE; 9. It may be part of a bank, OAR; 10. Like vicuñas, ANDEAN; 12. Novelist IVAN Turgenev; 13. Cartoon, chipmunk, DALE; 18. Ship-to-ship call, AHOY; 22. 2008 World Series champs, PHILLIES; 26. Tube, TV SET; 27. “Is anybody listening …?”, HELLO; 29. “MAIS oui!”; 34. “The Tonight Show” piece, SKIT; 35. Onetime C&W channel, TNN; 39. LON Chaney of “The Wolf Man”; 44. “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight” novelist BRESLIN; 46. Judge’s announcement, RECESS; 49. Feeling ho-hum, BORED; 50. Squat’s opposite, LANKY; 51. River that ends in Tarragona, EBRO; 55. Pilgrimage to Mecca, HADJ; 56. “ONE O’Clock Jump” (Basie hit); 57. Whirling water, EDDY; 59. Ultimate, NTH; 60. Scottish explorer of the Arctic, RAE.


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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