01.29.10 -- Strong Stuff!

The Blinding of Samson, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 1636


Ask for this great Deliverer now, and find him

Eyeless in Gaza, at the mill with slaves…

John Milton, Samson Agonistes

Friday, January 29, 2010

Puzzle by Doug Peterson, edited by Will Shortz

Strong stuff! This is a tough solve for this end-of-the-grim-month-of-January TGIF crossword. The count-down to the rush hour:

Nine-letter -- AT ONE TIME (57A Not currently), ELIOT NESS (62A. Noted Volstead Act enforcer), IDA LUPINO (15A. “The Hitch-Hiker” director, 1953), NIETZSCHE (31A. “Übermensch” originator), OPEN SHOPS (12D. Results of some labor laws), PINE TREES (17A. Resin sources), SMASH INTO (20A. Ram), RUSTLED UP (53A. Managed to obtain), TYLENOL PM (60A. What might come as a relief at night?), ZINFANDEL (1A. Red choice).

Eight -- KAMIKAZE (23D. Vodka cocktail), KEY LIMES (23A. Dessert fruit), LOS ALTOS (9D. City near San Jose), SIR NO SIR (21D. Loud drill bit?), VALIDATE (36D. Confirm), ZANZIBAR (47A. It merged with Tanganyika in 1964).

Seven -- DEWIEST (11D. Most childishly pure), FLECKED (4D. Like a strawberry roan’s coat), GET REAL (44A. “Are you nuts?!“), LIVES ON (35A. Endures), MEGATON (43D. 4.184 petajoules), ORATION (40D. Keynote, e.g.), TRASH TV (26D. Many reality shows).

Six -- ASTHMA (10D. Breathtaking condition?), DIESEL (7D. Motor ship driver), ENLIST (45D. Win the support of), FANDOM (29A. Star followers), NAPOLI (46D. Campania’s capital, in Campania), SAMSON (42A. Hero described as “Eyeless in Gaza”).

Five -- ADOPT (10A. Decide to use), ASCII (56A. It has 95 printable characters), BUTYL (48D. Tear-resistant synthetic rubber), ENEMY (8D. Hostile), HOHOS (59A. Tubular snacks), IDIOM (2D. Hit the ceiling, say), LIMPS (51D. Has a hitch), NANAS (3D. Spoilers, often), POACH (19A. Appropriate game), POEMS (52D. Metric system output?), RATIO (55A. One thing on top of another?), SCENT (61A. Tracking aid), SEPOY (16A. Old Indian infantryman), TWERP (18A. Weenie), UTILE (50D. Worth keeping), ZIPPO (1D. Diddly).

Short stuff -- ABLE, AUTH, ELAL, FROG, GULP, HEY, HON, KAY, LOL, NAN, NEO, NINE, NPR, OLEO, OMSK, PIN, PORT, RAHS, RBI, RENT, TORE, TRIO, TYPO (14D. Four for for, for one), USOC, VENN (28D. A diagram bears his name).

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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Remaining clues: ACROSS: 22. Dostoyevsky’s exile city; 24. It’s grounded on the Sabbath; 32. Precious; 33. Streaked; 34. Nat stat; 38. Spare part?; 39. Pat makeup; 41. Sir ___, foster brother of King Arthur; 46. Right fielder, on a scorecard; 49. Get down quickly. DOWN: 5. Bibliography abbr.; 6. “Science Friday” carrier; 13. Computer connection; 25. Electronic gag reflex?; 27. The Jimi Hendrix Experience, e.g.; 29. Parts of it may be revealed in biology class; 30. Fit; 32. “Watch it!”; 37. Chicken tikka go-with; 53. Words of support; 54. Org. with a SportsMan of the Year award; 55. Digs cash?; 58. Conservative front.

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