03.02.10 — March

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, edited by Will Shortz

THE MONTH OF MARCH, 40A. Period described by the clues and answers to 1- and 72-Across (which are the start and end of a word ladder formed by the answers to the 10 asterisked clues), e.g., 1A. *“In like a LION …” and 72A. *”… out like a LAMB” (LION, LOON, BOON, BOOB, BOMB, COMB, COMP, CAMP, LAMP, LAMB) are the interrelated entries of this first Tuesday in March crossword.

Other -- TESTAMENT (36D. Provider of a dead giveaway) and U S DOLLARS (11D. Mint green?) belong together, as do BOMB (29A. *Dud) and FLOP (42D. Dud), COMB (48A. *Jim’s gift in “The Gift of the Magi”) and FOB (9D. Della’s gift in “The Gift of the Magi”), and threesome CAAN, CAEN and CAHN (59D. James of “Thief”, 55D. “It’s News to Me” columnist Herb” and 33D. Songwriter Sammy).

Mid-size -- ARABELLA (10D. Title heroine of a Strauss opera), BRASIL (49D. São Paulo’s land, to natives), GO-TO GUY (46A. Handy man?), HELMSMEN (28D. Steering committee?), MOON PIES (41D. Sweet, gooey sandwiches), NO PROB (4D. “Easy!“), PERUSE (51A. Look over), PROLONGS (21D. Draws out), SENORA (25A. Married woman, in Madrid), SHELLAC (31A. Wood finish).

Five-letter -- ANSON (43A. Actor Williams of “Happy Days”), ATE IT (62A. Absorbed the loss), BATTY (30D. Nuts), ERNES (67A. Sea eagles), ESTAB (54D. Sign abbr. meaning “founded in”), FAUNS (9A. Goat-men in a Rubens painting), LEAST (37A. Minimal amount), LLAMA (39A. Andean animal), LOUTS (1D. Lummoxes), NAVES (61A. Cathedral areas), OLEAN (3D. Ingredient in some potato chips), ORSON (16A. Welles of film), SEISM (53D. Great shakes?), STOIC (31D. Betraying no emotion), TAILS (44A. Gala night duds), THARP (20A. Choreographer Twyla), UVULA (52D. Throat dangler).

Debris -- 2D. “This IS THE life!”, 19. Go from BAD TO worse, NOT SO (70A. “I beg to differ!”), 8D. ON NO occasion (never), 12D. Say NO TO (reject).

Short stuff -- ALB, ALTO, AMCS, AMEN, AMMO, ANOS and ANSA, ASH, ILSA, LOOS (6D. Going places?), LUCA, OSLO (14. A. Capital once called Christiania), OTRO, PPS, SHA, SHEL, SNOB, SOT, STAG, STOA, SSN, SUIT (66A. Sunday best, e.g.), TOOT, TSO, UAL, UCLA and UTEP.

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Puzzle available on the internet at

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Remaining clues -- ACROSS: 5. Voice below soprano; 15. *Kook; 17. Lone Star State sch.; 18. *Godsend; 22. Greek gathering spot; 24. *Doofus; 27. Author Silverstein; 34. Pub crawler; 45. Govt. ID; 48. *Jim’s gift in “The Gift of the Magi”; 50. Looped handle, in archaeology; 55. *Provide for free; 57. ___ Brasi, enforcer in “The Godfather”; 64. *Sleepaway, e.g.; 68. *Tiffany treasure; 69. “Casablanca” heroine; 71. Parts of una década. DOWN: 5. Priest’s robe; 7. Trolley warning; 13. Name-dropper, perhaps; 23. Pale wood; 26. Grace period?; 32. Gremlins and Hornets of old autodom; 34. Partnerless, as at a party; 38. ___ Na Na; 47. “Fly the friendly skies” co.; 56. Other: Sp.; 58. The Bruins of the N.C.A.A.; 60. Bullets; 63. General on a Chinese menu; 65. Second afterthought in a letter: Abbr.

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