03.25.10 — Odds and Ends

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Puzzle by Dan Naddor, edited by Will Shortz

Essentially three crosswords-in-one due to the division by the two DIAGONAL (41A. Shortcut, perhaps) groups of black squares, three humorous odd-sign long answers constitute the interrelated group of this effervescent Thursday puzzle — BLOW-OUT TIRE SALE (17A. Odd sign at a Michelin dealership?), LINGERIE HALF-OFF (36A. Odd sign at Victoria’s Secret?) and ALL SUITS SLASHED (56A. Odd sign at Men’s Wearhouse?).

To a quick finish and the Victoria's Secret fashion show, a few links are included with the following countdown:

Eight-letter — ARABIANS (31A. The Black Stallion and others), AMARILLO (11D. Panhandle city), EMANATES (44A. Issues), EMERITUS (28A. Part of an academic title), GOLD LEAF (12D. Bookbinding decoration), IN PUBLIC (37D. For everyone to see), NAUTILUS (38D. Spiral-shelled creature).

Seven — ASSAILS (26A. Goes after), BIPOLAR (53A. Kind of disorder), CAMACHO (4A. Boxing champ Hector), ESTIVAL (52A. Summerlike), HARSHER (15A. Like boot camp vis-à-vis day camp), ON BOARD (21A. In agreement with the group), SURPLUS (64A. Extra) and THE VIEW (671A. ABC daytime staple since 1997) cross-referenced with TV SHOW (45D. 61-Across, e.g.).

Six — AGLEAM (2D. Radiant), EATERY (46D. Bistro), FLAIRS (39D. Talents), LAB FEE (1D. Physical expense), LAO TSE (3D. Who wrote “He who does not trust enough will not be trusted”), SLUDGE (47D. Gunk), WET RAG (18D. Symbol of limpness).

Five — 32D. “Oh, give me A HOME …“, 24D. ATARI 2600, CHINA (8D. Popular wedding gift), DATER (51D. Antique dealer, at times), ELIHU (50D. Electrical pioneer Thomson), HERBS (9D. Tea flavorings), MIRED (23D. Stuck), NANAS (33D. Frequent spoilers), NUBIA (25D. Nile Valley region), OREOS (10D. Sandwiches for dessert), ROUTS (49D. One-sided contests), SIEGE (29D. More than a raid), SLANT (34D. Grade).

Short stuff — AAU, AGA and AGO, ALP, ANA, ASTO, AWS, BLEU, CHO, CPUS, FETE, LACT, MRT LAL and LAR, LEU and LIU, ORG, OWE, PCS, RSVP and S'IL, SAAB (19D. Car whose name is an acronym), SOPS, SURF, WYE.

Now, on with the show…

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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Remaining clues — ACROSS: 1. Kobe Bryant’s team, on scoreboards; 11. Earlier; 14. Near East honorific; 16. Annihilate, with “down”; 20. Roast, e.g.; 30. ___ cheese; 35. Choreographer Lubovitch; 40. Carrier to Tokyo; 42. Computer innards, for short; Sch. In Brooklyn, N.Y.; 62. U.R.L. ending; 63. Program holders; 65. ___ Accord (1998 Mideast peace agreement). DOWN: 4. Comedian Margaret; 5. Jr. Olympics sponsor; 6. The A-Team muscleman; 7. Concerning; 13. Get behind; 36. Milk: Prefix; 43. Soaks (up); 54. Answer; 56. Frequent winter Olympics site; 57. The “S” in 54-Down; 58. Romanian currency; 59. Jimmy Stewart syllables.

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