03.27.10 — Bijou at the Bijou

The Pink Panther, the largest diamond in the world. This fictitious huge pink gem has an unusual flaw: looking deeply into the stone, one perceives a tiny discoloration resembling a leaping pink panther – hence the name.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Puzzle by Samuel A. Donaldson, edited by Will Shortz

Lots of Hollywood and plenty of pink, a few good quotations and references to magic, the good, the bad and the ugly are all on the bill of this Saturday bijou at the Bijou.

Across: 1. Massive, GINORMOUS, gigantic + enormous; 10. “Hairspray” mom and others, EDNAS; 15. Versatile, ADAPTABLE; 16. One to hang with, NOOSE; 17. Faded, LOST STEAM; 18. Blackmore heroine, DOONE; 19. Cry after failing, ALAS; 20. Ezio Pinza’s “Mr. Imperium” co-star, LANA TURNER; 22. Easy tots to baby-sit, NAPPERS; 24. Perfect, SPOT-ON; 28. Donatello sculpture subject, ST MARK; 29. Outcast, LEPER; 30. Integrated with, BUILT INTO; 33. More of the same, in research papers, IDEM; 34. Capital on the Buriganga River, old-style, DACCA, now Dhakha; 35. Avant-garde saxophonist John ZORN; 36. Tiny irritations, PIN-PRICKS; 38. The Pink Panther, e.g., JEWEL; 39. Old means of public humiliation, STOCKS; 40. Subject of the 1997 biography “Woman in the Mists”, FOSSEY; 41. They’re made by origami artists, CREASES; 43. Temporary downturn, SAG; 44. Be the charming type?, CAST A SPELL; 46. Chicken, WIMP; 50. “Pinky” Best Actress nominee Jeanne CRAIN; 51. Italy, once, AXIS POWER; 53. With 31-Down, its products are often squeezed, LEMON; 54. Hitchcock trademark, CAMEO ROLE; 55. “The Faerie Queene” character, IRENA; 56. Occasion to break glass?, EMERGENCY.

Down: 1. Kind of ball, GALA; 2. Massive star, IDOL; 3. Launcher launched in 1958, NASA; 4. Takes, with “for”, OPTS; 5. They’re listed in a bill: Abbr., RTS; 6. Youngest Best Actress Oscar winner, 1986, MATLIN; 7. Magic practiced by native Guianans, OBEAH; 8. ULAN Hot (city in Inner mongolia); 9. Linguist’s concern, SEMANTICS; 10. Reach, END UP AT; 11. Attendance incentives, DOOR PRIZES; 12. “It’s anybody’s guess”, NO ONE KNOWS; 13. Actor who won comedy and drama Emmys for the same role, ASNER; 14. Some card readers, SEERS; 21. Motown’s original name, TAMLA; 22. NOR the soles of her shoe?”: Hamlet; 2. Fall preceder, SLIP; 25. Foot part?, PEDI; 26. Getting in line?, OPEN SESAME; 27. “I can resist everything except TEMPTATION”: Oscar Wilde; 28. Leeches, SUCKS; 30. Move to your previous place; BACKSPACE; 31. See 53-Across, TREE; 32. Exclusive, ONLY; 34. Shoots craps, e.g., DICES; 37. 1982 Grammy-winning song by Toto, ROSANNA; 38. Nudge, JOG; 40. Less natural, FALSER; 41. Last full year of St. Julius I’s papacy, CCCLI; 42. Not so easy to get one’s hands on, RARER; 43. Odious type, SLIME; 45. Hospital administration?, EXAM; 46. Eroded, WORE; 47. Gloating cry, I WON; 48. Sporty Spice of the Spice Girls, MEL C; 49. Part of a food chain, PREY; 52. Faddish disk of the 1990s, POG.

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