04.01.10 — April Fools' Day

Thursday, April 1, 2010 — April Fools' Day

Glickstein by Lee puzzle, Will by edited Shortz

The Shortzesque-clued REARRANGED, OUT OF ORDER, MOVED AROUND and FLIP-FLOPPED (17A., 53A., 11D. And 25D. Like the clues in all the words in this puzzle) the interrelated Fools' group crossword Day of this April are.

Across: 1. Talks little, CHATS; 6. Short chest, for muscles, PECS; 10. Funny co-star in “Barbra’s Girl”, OMAR; 14. Washington’s Sound PUGET; 15. Main contents of the Spanish, AGUA; 16. Clothing court, ROBE; 19. The Terrible IVAN; 20. As a grasshopper prepares, MIXES; 21. Food process, DIGEST; 23. Faith without a person, INFIDEL; 26. Yeas of plenty, DECADES 27. Fine with choked sand, SILTED; 28. Date for many a place, CINEMA; 29. Visitor space, ALIEN; 30. Drive off the top?, PAVE; 31. “IRAE Dies”; 34. Music backdrop of “The Sound”; 35. Alley TORNADO; 38. General program for a future, maybe: Abbr., OCS; 39.Of kind society, CAFÉ; 41. Supply nursery, POTS; 42. Faces sulky, POUTS; 44. Places small American flags for, LAPELS; 46. Mouse MINNIE; 47. Old like some painted cars, TWO-TONE; 49. Cleared home at the plate?, DINED IN; 50. Tool fencing, RAPIER; 51. Union in the European capital, SOFIA; 52. Channel game, ESPN; 58. Some served veterans there: Abbr., VIET; 59. Cry A FAR; 60. Brief blowup, in “Big”, N-TEST; 61. Opening China?, INDO; 62. Example, for boxers, DOGS; 63. For one square, SHAPE.

Down: 1. Revival of a cause, briefly, CPR; 2. Cry of partner, HUE; 3. Respect of Eastern title, AGA; 4. Of a colony member, TERMITE; 5. Having a sound grating, STRIDENT; 6. Show part of a game, PANEL; 7. With spurs on, EGGS; 8. Go on to signal, CUE; 9. Low on the side, SADDENED; 10. Craft paper, ORIGAMI; 12. In lower rank, ABASE; 13. Letters for checks, RENTS; 18. In a split way, AXED; 22. Cooler driunk, ICE; 23. Stern violinist, ISAAC; 24. Waver NILLA; 26. Attitude with singers, DIVAS; 28. Secret thieves of slang, CANTS; 30. Worker routine, PROLE; 32. Half of a musical second, ACT II; 33. City steel in Europe, ESSEN; 36. Drivers of love, OPEN ROAD; 37. Judges of written works, OPINIONERS; 40. Part of a drain, EAT INTO; 43. Heaven, not in here, ON EARTH; 45. A dreary poet upon midnight, once, POE; 46. Off tee, MIFF; 47. Fountain TREVI; 48. “When Flower WAS IN Knighthood” (1922 film); 49. Opportunities to speak so, DOORS; 54. Light sky, maybe, UFO; 55. Traffic group that may stop: Abbr., DEA; 58. To know one way, ESP; 57. Offering G.P.S., RTE.


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