04.03.10 — Tabula Rasa

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Puzzle by Peter A. Collins and Joe Krozel, edited by Will Shortz

Holoalphabetic, this Saturday crossword is a first-look-blank-slate puzzle, a hit-or-miss affair with sly clues, more than a few obscure answers and vise versa.

Across: 1. Apparently floored, SLACK-JAWED; 11. Like some fraternities nowadays CO-ED; 15. Baby’s mind, e.g., TABULA RASA; 16. It spins its wheels, AXLE; 17. When “you’re gonna want me for your girl,” in a 1963 hit, ONE FINE DAY; 18. Longtime “The Price is Right” model DIAN Parkinson; 19. Chief Powhatan’s son-in-law, ROLFE; 20. Like some Ger. Nouns, NEUT; 21. Clean rags?, EDIT; 22. Much like, ALA; 23. Pleased, GLAD; 26. Ziti alternative, ROTINI; 27. Bat mitzvah, e.g., GIRL; 29. Nut’s offspring, OSIRIS; 31. Kind of state in the East, ZEN; 32. Transfuses, ENDUES; 34. Neighbors of Indians, NEPALESE; 36. “Mr. Hulot’s Holiday” Oscar nominee, TATI; 38. Plaza-to-plaza stretch: Abbr., TPKE; 39. Putting to rest, QUIETING; 43. Response to “Are you awake?”; 47. Freud’s “Totem UND Tabu”; 48. Attempt to bypass opposition, END-RUN; 50. Sun-baked, SERE; 51. Many 31-Across practitioners, ASIANS; 53. Bit of rootless flora, ALGA; 55. Org. in which people get belted, WBA; 56. Any member of the Safavid dynasty, SHAH; 57. Shut up, PENT; 59. Christian apologist who wrote “The Loves”, LEWIS; 61. Last name o twin gymnasts in the 2004 Olympics, HAMM; 62. Crush, ANNIHILATE; 64. 1957 Tony winner Adams, EDIE; 65. It might have red herrings, CRIME NOVEL; 66. What’s often pounded out DENT; 67. Pieces of surprising news, EYE-OPENERS.

Down: 1. An unused item may be placed in it, STORAGE: 2. Ointment base, LANOLIN; 3. “Sic et Non” theologian, ABELARD; 4. Copper bracelet?, CUFF; 5. Star light?, KLIEG; 6. Half of a popular 1960s singing duo, JAN; 7. Places where stands have been made, ARENAS; 8. Attached energetically, WADED IN; 9. The Bible’s “cunning hunter”, ESAU; 10. Vacationing very briefly, DAY-TRIPPING; 11. General starting point?, CADET; 12. Go from aluminum to alumina, say, OXIDIZE; 13. Bistro seen in “Manhattan”, ELAINE’S; 14. It’s under a canine’s coat, DENTINE; 24. Show featuring the scheming Dr. Zachary Smith, LOST IN SPACE; 26. Japanese for “large hill”, OSAKA; 28. One with a long neck and a rounded body, LUTE; 30. Out of practice?: Abbr., RET; 33. Like items that have been put away, EATEN; 35. NASA’s Falcon and Intrepid, LEMS; 37. Poll abbr., IND; 39. Put to rest, QUASHED; 40. Expose to light, UNSHADE; 41. “Raid on Entebbe” role, IDI AMIN; 42. Family member, GRANNIE; 44. Avant-garde, NEW WAVE; 45. NASA vehicle, ORBITER; 46. Sly sorts, WEASELS; 49. Last, to Luigi, ULTIMO; 52. Record producer Ertegun in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, AHMET; 54. Coat cut, A-LINE; 58. Eliza’s mentor, to Eliza, ‘ENRY; 60. Piedmont university, ELON; 63. Tuned in, HEP.

That’s that!

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Puzzle available on the internet at

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