04.15.10 — Swoosh

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley & Joon Pank, edited by Will Shortz

TAIGA WOODS (17A. Areas in northern forests?), MYNAH LEAGUE (23A. Chatty bird alliance?), EXPERIMENTAL ERA (35A. Time when laboratories came into vogue?), WICCA BASKET (47A. Witch’s hamper?) and WAYNE MANNA (56A. Heavenly food for the Duke?) are the interrelated group of this Thursday crossword, explained HERE.

Other — 24D. Temple of ARTEMIS, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; EMINENCE (37D. Prestige); RADAMES (40A. “Celeste Aida” singer); RIGHT NOW (38D. “No, I meant tomorrow … duh!”); SATIATE (32A. Stuff); TRANSFIX (2D. Fascinate); UNION REP (3D. One who labors for labor’s sake?).

Mid-size — ACORN, AFROS, ALIGN, AMANA, AMIGA, AVOCET (53A. Wading bid with an upcurved bill), CASED, DAZED, DEWEY (5D. Three-term governor of New York), ECONO, EVENT, HALSEY, HEINE (25D. Poet whose works were set to music by Schumann, Strauss and Brahms), JETTA (21D. Beetle’s cousin?), JONES (21A. Amos of “Amos ’n’ Andy”), KANGA, LSATS, NOSIER, OPRAH, O-RINGS, PILE UP, RAN AT, RAJAH, SAMOA, SCRIBE, SIDE B, SWOOSH and TIPTOE (42A. Sneaker symbol, 43D. Sneak, in a way).

Short stuff — AIMS, ALA, ANT, ARAL, ARIA, ARNO (14A. The Ponte Santa Trinita spans it), ATOM, CAIN, DOS and DOGS, EMIR, END, HEED, ICON, JENI (45A. Late stand-up comic Richard), KIEV (31A. Capital on the Dnieper), MAKE, MILL (19A. Grinding location), MSN, NEWT, NHL, OTIS, REST, SAT, SOBE, SOPH, SPY, STS, STUD (1A. Ladies’ man), SOPH, WAR, YIN, ZOO.

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Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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Remaining clues — ACROSS: 5. Mentally out of it; 10. H.S. class member; 15. Prefix with car; 16. “Lullaby,” for one; 20. Digging further, say; 22. ISP with a butterfly logo; 27. Big bushes; 29. Doctor’s recommendation; 30. “Mission: Impossible” figurer; 41. Commander, in Arabic; 42. Some G.P.S. lines; 46. Foreign pen pal, perhaps; 51. Lightning org.; 52. Co-producer of the film “Precious”; 55. R&B singer Shuggie ___; 60. Beverage with a lizard logo; 61. Even up; 62. Jackie O, e.g.; 63. Follow; 64. Rushed; 65. Lizardlike creature. DOWN: 1. Collected dust; 4. Feet, slangily; 6. Nut with a cupule; 7. Place for exhibits; 8. Defensive ___; 9. 27-Across, e.g.; 10. Margaret Mead’s “Coming of Age in ___”; 11. Some gaskets; 12. Accumulate; 13. Title admiral in a Paul and Linda McCartney hit; 18. Targets; 22. Fashion; 26. Some college srs. Take them; 28. [Turn the page]; 32. Song that people flip for?; 33. Big name on the range?; 34. ___ sch.; 36. Howdah occupant, maybe; 39. Kazakh/Uzbek ___ Sea; 44. Writer; 46. Unit proposed by Leucippus; 48. Scoped out; 49. “Winnie-the-Pooh” character; 50. Calendar entry; 54. Crop farmer of Genesis; 56. Classic one-word headline; 57. Like; 58. The dark side; 59. Soldier ___.

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