04.17.10 — All in Good Time


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Puzzle by Tim Croce, edited by Will Shortz

SETS ONE’S OWN PACE (17A. Breaks from the pack, say) and GO ASK YOUR MOTHER (51A. Bit of parental diversion) is sage advice for tyros trying out this strenuous Saturday crossword boldly bearing its own critique, I LOVED IT (38A. Rave review). Note for the speed freaks… take your time!

ANSEL ADAMS and BORSTAL BOY (22A. Shooter who co-created the zone system; 42A. 1970 Tony winner for Best Play) at ten letters lead off the remaining long entries, followed by those of nine — ATE AWAY AT (15A. Really bugged), like what the clues of this crossword did, DEAD AHEAD (12D. Coming right up), ESSAYISTS (58D. Many bloggers), not me, LEMON RIND (56A. Strip in a bar), a little tease from the Old Gray Lady, MAN MONTHS (1A. Industrial time units), perhaps The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick Brooks can provide insight HERE, the straight-laced POKER FACE (31D. You’ll get nothing out of a good one) and PUPPETRY (29A. Art of manipulation?).

Other — ALINED (20A. Straight), the minimally defined AT LEAST (26A. Not under), COMES IN (40A. Isn’t blocked, as a signal), the uncrossreferenced and unfortunate CONY and STOLES (49D. Rabbit fur; 9D. Ostentatious accessories), CRAVATS (35A. Some neckwear), CROSSED (34A. Like some arms and legs), the unfair FAIRER (48A. More susceptible to burning), the terse HAS A SAY (8D. Is part of the decision-making process), the archaic IMBRUES (38D. Stains), and the cryptical OLÉ OLÉ (41D. Reinforced ring support?).

Five letter — AMEBA (16A. Slide presentation?), AMPED (11D. Hyped up), APHIS (45D. Orchard pest), A-TEAM (2D. First string), CAPRA (49A. “Meet John Doe” director, 1941), HAWKE (19A. “Snow Falling on Cedars” star, 1999) , LAKES (37A. They have large basins), LARDS (47D. Pads), MADAM (10A. House manager), MANNA (10D. Fall cuisine?), MASHA (1D. “Three Sisters” sister), 24D. El MISTI (Peruvian volcano), NET WT (3D. Packers’ stat.), NICHE (55A. Calling), PC LAB (29D. Where many students click), PLEAS (57a. They’re entered legally), REESE (32A. Candy man), SASHA (43D. Mitchell of “Step by Step”), SEEST (25D. Biblical spot?), 44D. Little TIKES (big toy company), TRENT (46D. It flows through Gainsborough), URANO (30D. Heavens: Prefix).

Short stuff — ABC, ALTE, AMT and ATL, ANE, APSE, ATRI, CARY, CLEO (35D. Fatally poisoned royal, for short), EVEN, GNP, HIE, MAE and MOA, MASK, NAN, NERD, OIL, OWOE, RAVI, RMS, ROSY, TESS, TYE, WILT.

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Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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Remaining clues — ACROSS: 21. Withdrawal fig.; 28. Bolt; 39. Game show purchase; 45. P.R. is found in it. DOWN: 4. It may be right in front of your eyes; 5. Shakespearean lament; 6. Indian restaurant serving; 7. Mast-to-tackle rope on a ship; 13. First string?; 14. ___ Axton, co-composer of “Heartbreak Hotel”; 18. Flag; 22. Old Hamburger?; 23. One who might celebrate Pi Day; 26. Place for some relics; 27. Jamie Lee Curtis’s “Freaky Friday” role; 32. First name in raga performance; 33. Tie up; 36. Looking up; 40. Raleigh suburb; 50. Longfellow’s bell town; 51. It has a domestic counterpart: Abbr.; 52. Joint application; 53. Suite composition: Abbr.; 54. Bygone bird.

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