06.23.10 — Signs on the Dotted Lines

Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint on "Mount Rushmore" in Alfred Hitchcock's "North by Northwest", 1959


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Puzzle by Alex Boisvert, edited by Will Shortz

SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE (50A. With 60-Across, ink a contract … or a feature of 17-, 25- and 37-Across), LEO, LIBRA and ARIES contained within LITTLE ONES (17A. Tots), CALIBRATE (25A. Make fine adjustments to) and EVA MARIE SAINT (37A. “On the Waterfront” Oscar winner) constitute the interrelated group of this Wednesday crossword.  Note:  In the print version of today's puzzle, some of the horizontal rules of the grid are not solid all the way across.

Other — ASHES and EXES (5A. Old flames?; 14A. Old flames), DORITOS (43A. Tortilla chip brand), INDIANAN (11D. Hoosier), OCEANIC (32A. Fictional airline on “Lost”), PULSARS (42A. Stars that exhibit the “lighthouse effect), VINTAGE (33A. Wine label datum), VIRGINIA (38D. Birthplace of eight U.S. presidents).

Mid-size — ALLAH, AROUND, AXILLA (2D. Armpit, anatomically), BIMINI (47D. Bahamas getaway), DALLAS (30A. Home of the Stars), EATIN, ENDEAR (49D. Win over), HENNA, HDTVS, ICE SAW (27D. Winter fisherman’s tool), INVEST (44D. Buy gold, e.g.), IRVIN, L’CHAIM (18D. Toast at a bar mitzvah), e.g., "To Life!", LOANER (48D. Temporary wheels), LOGES, RELOAD and RETELL (1D. Time-consuming task for a musketeer; 3D. Pass along, as gossip), SIERRA (10D. Jagged mountain range), SNAP-ON (31D. Attach with a click), STENO, STOIC, TRUST (34D. Target for Teddy Roosevelt), UNION, WOBBLE (46D. Need leveling, perhaps), YESNO.

Short stuff — ABE (22D. Mt. Rushmore neighbor of Teddy), ADS, AIL and ALI, ALVA, “It’s A NO-brainer“, ARI, ASEA, AXE and AXIS, CAIN, DARN, DIY, ECO, EDGE, ELOI, ENE, EST, INON, ISBN, IVY, JAM, JANE, LIRR, LOG and LOL, MAD, MEAT, OLE and ORE, ONEA, RARE (1A. “Still mooing“), RENO, SILO, SOS, TINT, TOY.


Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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Remaining Clues — 10. Forage storage; 15. Job made almost obsolete by voice recorders; 16. Privy to; 19. Upper hand; 20. Plaza de toros cry; 21 First murderer; 22. “Entourage” agent Gold; 23. Moor’s deity; 41. Actress Larte of “Heroes”; 53. Shop group; 54. Trellis climber; 55. “Drat!”; 57. “Usual gang of idiots” magazine; 58. One of Spot’s masters; 63. Graph line; 64. Film director Kershner; 65. Fit for duty; 66. Substance; 67. Kind of question; 68. Line to Penn Sta. DOWN: 4. Ballpark fig.; 5 Away from the harbor; 6. Still upper-lip sort; 7. Temporary tattoo dye; 8. St. Louis-to-Cleveland dir.; 9. “Sending out an ___” (much-repeated line in a Police hit); 12. Captain’s journal; 13. Diet-drink calorie count; 24. Menlo Park middle name; 26. Pricey seating areas; 28. Salon job; 29. Prefix with -cide; 35. Feel awful; 37. Morlocks’ victims, in an H.G. Wells story; 39. Roughly; 40. Publisher’s 13-digit ID; 41. Billboard displays; 45. Water pistol or popgun; 51. Sharp products, for short; 52. Opposite of “Take out”; 56. Setting for the movie “Sister Act”; 58. Problem for a copier; 59. Send packing; 60. Handyman’s letters; 61. Miner’s find; 62. “U R funny!”

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