06.27.10 — Cryptic Crossword

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cryptic Crossword by Daniel Raymon

Across — 1. Vacuum you loaned to an auditor is full of juice (9), SUCCULENT; 6. Was brooding for bike with an engine (5), MOPED; 9. Erect an exotic stage again (7), REENACT; 10. Landlord's mail (7), LETTERS; 11. Bad imp lies about a human trait (10), BIPEDALISM; 12. Somewhat overbroad, its literal meaning is "word" (4), VERB; 14. Passed Spanish painter almost outside Nebraska (4,2), GONEBY; 15. Mob I prosecute for plundering (8), BANDITRY; 17. Toss refuse at showcases (8), FEATURES; 19. Uninitiated French author/editor is tickled (6), AMUSED; 22. That woman's a goddess (4), HERA; 23. Ineffectively deals with topless Pennsylvania people and the French (10), MISHANDLES; 26. Hold back part of a song (7), REFRAIN; 27. Throw back during summer month (4,3), AREARUG; 28. Overthrow champion tennis player (5), EVERT; 29. To Ed, venue change eventually went smoothly (6,3), EVENEDOUT

Down — 1. Brush off gardener's concern (5), SHRUB; 2. Enter secretly with Canadian Indian piece of jewelry (5,2), CREEPIN; 3. Active university fight around cute "bear" (2,3,5), UPANDABOUT; 4. Former doctor lost honors (6), EXTOLS; 5. Capitalism anywhere has charm (8), TALISMAN; 6. Breed's winning move (4), MATE; 7. Thwart spin doctoring incident (7), PREVENT; 8. Didn't listen to Diana's doctor during childbirth and watched closely (9), DISOBEYED; 13. In Chad, a man developed earliest figures (4,3,3), ADAMANDEVE; 14. Uncanny foresight? Accept it without question (4,5), GIFTHORSE; 16. Delaware intended insubordination (8), DEFIANCE; 18. Near shooter, somewhat (1,6), ATRIFLE; 20. New Orleans is a city inhabited by Italians (7), SALERNO; 21. Meandering Sherpa is articulate (6), PHRASE; 24. View subpoena in hearing (5), SIGHT; 25. Lacks the power to tilt (4), CANT


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