09.24.10 — Peach

Friday, September 24, 2010

Puzzle by Mark Diehl, edited by Will Shortz

Across — 1. Construction zone sign, REDUCE SPEED; 12. Band pieces, BARITONE SAXES; 14. Jean Rhys opus, WIDE SARGASSO SEA; 16. Psychoanalyst Fromm, ERICH; 17. Affix securely, PASTE DOWN; 18. Coroner’s subj., ANAT; 19. Deli option, TO GO; 20. Performed as a minstrel, maybe, LUTED; 21. Ones doing lab exams?, VETS; 22. Ain’t right?, AREN’T; 24. Dixie rival, SOLO; 25. Ball in a socket, EYE; 26. Saw, GRASPED; 28. Big inits. In photography, SLR; 29. Possible IV pusher, EMT; 30. 1971 Tony-winning actress RAE Allen; 31. Atlanta-based org., CDC; 34. She quipped “I’ve been in more laps than a napkin”, MAE WEST; 36. Night that “Dynasty” aired for most ot its run: Abbr., WED; 39. Curse out, REAM; 41. CRÈME de Noyaux (almond-flavored liqueur); 42. Anathema, BANE; 43. Line up, ARRAY; 45. Slightly, A BIT; 46. Island off the coast of Tuscany, ELBA; 47. Vague, IMPRECISE; 49. God, with “the”, MAKER; 50. Aid to researching 35-Downs by topic, GOOGLE DIRECTORY; 52. Ganging up on, in basketball, TRIPLE TEAMING; 53. What patients may need patience to get, TEST RESULTS.

Down — 1. Throw off, RADIATE; 2. Puts up, ERECTS; 3. Knockout, DISH; 4. Hagen of stage and screen, UTA; 5. Carl Icahn or T. Boone Pickens, CORPORATE RAIDER; 6. Attracts, ENGAGES; 7. SEASON PREMIERES (September happenings, often); 8. Tip preceder, maybe, PSST; 9. Oil support, EASEL; 10. Escapist reading?, EXODUS; 11. Firedome and Firelite, DESOTOS; 12. David of “St. Elsewhere”, BIRNEY; 13. “Black Beauty” author, SEWELL; 14. Hair extension, WEAVE; 15. Some choice words, AND OR; 19. Touchdown locale, TARMAC; 23. Sideboard collection, TEA SET; 26. Peach, GEM; 27. Cannon, e.g.: Abbr., DET; 31. First blond bond, CRAIG; 32. Actor Mulroney of “The Wedding Date:, DERMOT; 33. End of many a driveway, CAR PORT; 35. Free cookie distributor, WEB SITE; 36. They sometimes create a scene, WALK-ONS; 37. Sportscaster Dick ENBERG; 38. “My pet”, DEARY; 40. “My little” girl of early TV, MARGIE; 42. Get lost, BEAT IT; 44. Dog park noises, YELPS; 48. Invader of Rome in 390 B.C., CELT; 49. Credits date for “Cinderella” or “All About Eve”, MCML; 51. EAU de parfum.


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