12.03.10 — Heart of Gold

Der Alchimist by Carl Spitzveg, 1861


Friday, December 3, 2010

Puzzle by Matt Ginsberg, edited by Will Shortz

ALCHEMY (8D. 13-, 20-, 49- and 57-Across, commonly?), and the “word ladder” of LEAD (13A. Sleuth’s quest), LOAD (20A. Weight or freight), GOAD (49A. Pointed encouragement) and GOLD (57A. What some hearts are made of) comprises the interrelated group of this friendly Friday crossword.

That short ladder is far outdistanced by the long entries — AMMETERS (11D. Evaluators of current events), BOLLIX UP (10D. Bungle), EVEN ODDS (34D. Oxymoronic chances), LUMMOXES (27A. Cabbageheads), OPEN SEASON (52A. Game time?), RATIONAL (33D. Reasoned), TELEPHONIC (16A Like some communication), THERMOPYLAE (9D. Where Persia defeated Sparta in 480 B.C.), TIME AND TIDE (24D. They won’t wait, in a phrase), UTENSILS (40A. They’re set in place settings).

Sixes and sevens — ALTARS, BOOTED, CHORES, CURE-ALL, GOURDE (36D. Haitian currency), HARLEY (21A. Road hog?), HERMIT, INDENT, GLANDS (45D. Secretive group?), MESSILY, OLE OLE, PLACED , PIN DOWN (38D. Define clearly), PINESOL (38A. “The powerful scent of real clean” sloganeer), QUAHOG (42A. Edible clam), SEA ICE (26A. Endangered Arctic presence), SQUASH (39D. Game played with a dotted ball), TEEPEE, WALESA (3D. Shipyard worker fired in 1976), WENCH (56A. Elizabethan barmaid).

Five — CHILL, CONCH (47D. Beach souvenir), FREED, GYPSY (36A. 1959 Broadway hit with the song “All I Need Is the Girl”), HULCE, LIENS, SHOAT (5D. Young hog), STILT (30D. It may help you make big strides).

Short stuff — AGA, AMES, AND I quote …”, Going APE, ARM, A-TWO (1A. German superhighway connecting the Ruhr with Berlin), for another look, go HERE, BALE, ELI, ELMS, Or ELSE, FLU, GENS, HIND, HOMO, LADD, LAVA (37A. Rolling stone?), NASH, NEA, ODE, PEA, PURL, SHEA (5A. Where the Beatles opened their 1965 North American tour), T-BAR, HOMO, PEA, PURL, ROSY, SEE, SLY, TEC (35A. Spade, e.g., for short).


Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

Remaining clues — ACROSS: 9. Mountain climber?; 14. Hang loose; 15. Our genus; 18. Shady group?; 23. Computer action of last resort; 25. Definitely not a company man?; 29. How a toddler eats; 31. Knit alternative; 32. Out; 46. Put right?; 47. What snake oil is, supposedly; 48. Chucked out; 50. Largest labor union in the U.S.; 55. Angel Cheryl; 59. Ambassador of old autodom; 60. Home of a Big 12 school. — DOWN: 1. Service centers?; 2. Home on the range; 4. Lyricist’s offering; 6. Back; 7. 2010 title role for Denzel Washington; 12. Positive; 14. Walking the dog and others; 17. Found a job for; 22. Tentacle; 25. Tom of “Animal House; 27. They’re put on many cars; 28. Rocky, really; 30. It may help you make big strides; 32. W.H.O. concern; 41. Get it; 43. Victorian taxi; 44. Soccer cheer; 48. It may be tied up in farmwork; 49. Washington, Grant and others: Abbr.; 53. Snow ___; 54. Ottoman officer.

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