01.17.11 — Martin Luther King Day

Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, edited by Will Shortz

MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY contained within the four entries of MARTIN SHORT (17A. “S.N.L.” alum who co-starred in “Three Amigos!”), LUTHER VANDROSS (26A. His “Dance With My Father” won the 2003 Grammy for Song of the Year), KING TUT EXHIBIT (41A. Traveling show of the 1970s and 2000s that originated in Cairo) and DAY DREAMERS (54A. They’re in la-la-land) constitutes the interrelated group of this fine Martin Luther King Day crossword.

Other — ANNO DOMINI (10D. Latin words before a year), BIRD FOOD (20A. Cheep eats?), EAR MUFFS (49A. Winter headgear), HOT DATES (4D. Sexy movie companions, maybe), STOOD IN (39D. Substituted (for)), SUBSUMED (37D. Embodied), TETRADS (9D. Groups of four), UNION CARDS (27D. Things in the wallets of many laborers).

Mid-size — ACE OF spades, COOTS, DISMAL, DUNNE (40A. Actress Irene), FIFTHS, GIANT, GO SOUR, GUARD, IN INK, LEMON, LUIGI, NINAS (61A. Names hidden in Hirschfeld sketches), ON TOE, PRADO, RELAX, ROOMY, SCANT, TUNES, Sibelius’s “VALSE Triste“, X MARKS.

Short stuff — ACAI (2D. Berry touted as a superfood), ALIS, ANI, From A TO Z, ATTU, AWE, DAMS, EBAY, EDNA, EGO, ENTS, FEMA, FROM, GALA, GOD, “For HE’S a jolly good fellow“, HIRE, IN HD (6D. How many TV shows are now shown), LAMB, LATH, MCA, MISS Piggy, NOB and NOR, NOTE, NRA, ODD and ORR, “Now is the winter of OUR discontent …”, POOH, RIIS, ROUT, RUDE, SAME, SIAM, SONS, SSNS, TERR, TREK, UNIX, WORM, YIN.


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Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

Remaining clues — ACROSS: 1. Plaster backing; 5. Bigger than big; 10. Wonderment; 13. ___ spades (highest card in a deck); 15. Fully extended, as a ballerina; 16. San Francisco’s ___ Hill; 19. Gun enthusiast’s org.; 21. Spacious; 23. Westernmost of the Aleutians; 24. One of two on a basketball team; 31. Songs; 32. Boxers Muhammad and Laila; 33. Record co. that bought Motown in 1988; 34. Social reformer Jacob; 35. Take it easy; 37. Thailand, once; 38. Sense of self; 39. Heirs, but not heiresses; 45. Old geezers; 47. Madrid museum; 57. Like 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.; 58. Permanently, as writing; 59. Fruit that makes you pucker; 62. Beaver constructions. — DOWN: 1. Baby sheep; 3. Guam or the U.S. Virgin Isls.; 5. Spoil, as milk; 8. Neither’s partner; 11. Fish bait; 12. Cyberauction site; 14. Bottles of liquor; 18. Post-it, e.g.; 22. Canadian-born hockey great; 24. Grand party; 25. Computer operating system developed at Bell Labs; 26. Mario’s video game brother; 29. Barely sufficient; 30. Identical; 31. Voyage with Captain Kirk; 35. Easy win; 36. Tolkien’s tree beings; 37. Embodied; 40. Gloomy; 42. Odin or Osiris; 43. Pirate map features; 47. Winnie-the-___; 48. Disrespectful; 49. ___ St. Vincent Millay; 50. Disaster relief org.; 51. Partner of “to” on a gift tag; 52. Nine-digit govt. Ids; 55. “Gimme ___!” (start of a cheer at Iowa); 56. Yang’s go-with.

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