03.01.09 -- Traffic -- the Acrostic

Sunday, March 1, 2009
ACROSTIC, Puzzle by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon, edited by Will Shortz
This Sunday’s acrostic quotation is from Tom Vanderbilt’s “Traffic Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)” -- a few random quotes on the source of the quote: “Based on exhaustive research and interviews with driving experts and traffic officials around the globe, Traffic gets under the hood of the everyday activity of driving to uncover the surprisingly complex web of physical, psychological, and technical factors that explain how traffic works, why we drive the way we do, and what our driving says about us. The car has long been a central part of American life; whether we see it as a symbol of freedom or a symptom of sprawl, we define ourselves by what and how we drive. Traffic is about more than driving: it’s about human nature. And who knows? It may even make us better drivers.” --
“About This Book“, Random House.
About this acrostic, well, I found it one of the more challenging of recent memory.
The author’s name and the title of the work: TOM VANDERBILT TRAFFIC
The defined words: THIRD WHEEL, A. Awkward extra on a date (2 wds.); OCTAGONAL, B. Like a sign at an intersection; MOTOR TREND, C. Car of the Year award giver (2 wds.); VACATIONER, D. Person who might be in an R.V.; ACCELERATOR, E. Hammer, in CB use; NATHAN, F. Detroit in a musical setting; DIORAMA, G. Scene in which miniature cars could appear; EXIT RAMP, H. Way out of the flow (2 wds.); RIDE SHOTGUN, I. Take an up-front position (2 wds.); BARRICADE, J. Police setup that ight block a fugitive; ICE SCRAPER, K. Essential for winter drivers in the North (2 wds.); LEFT TURN, L. What you might hang in a vehicle (2 wds.); TOOTED, M. Hit the horn; TEAMSTERS, N. Originally, drivers of oxen- or mule-drawn wagons; RIFE, O. Abundant, teeming; ACCIDENTS, P. Creators of some jams; FAST COMPANY, Q. One’s pals in a hot rod? (2 wds.); FOOTREST, R. Dead pedal, for one; IN TRANSIT, S. Being conveyed from one place to another (2 wds.); CRASH COURSE, T. Quick study in demolition-derby driving? (2 wds.).
The full paragraph containing the quote: “In ancient Rome, the chariot traffic grew so intense that Caesar, the self-proclaimed curator viarum, or "director of the great roads," declared a daytime ban on carts and chariots, "except to transport construction materials for the temples of the gods or for other great public works or to take away demolition materials." Carts could enter the city only after three p.m. And yet, as one so often finds in the world of traffic, there is very rarely an action without an equal and opposite reaction. By making it easier for the average Roman to move around during the day, Caesar made it harder for them to sleep at night. The poet Juvenal, sounding like a second-century version of a contemporary Roman complaining about scooter traffic, lamented, "Only if one has a lot of money can one sleep in Rome. The source of the problem lies in the carts passing through the bottlenecks of the curved streets, and the flocks that stop and make so much noise they would prevent ... even a devil-fish from sleeping."
What civilization doesn’t have its’ problems?

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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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03.01.09 -- Good and Bad

Nosferatu, 1922
Sunday, March 1, 2009
GOOD AND BAD, Puzzle by Robert W. Harris, edited by Will Shortz
This Sunday crossword is headed by the note, “For the answer to each starred clue, including the first letter is good; dropping it is bad.” The entries (all across) with starred clues -- WRECKLESS DRIVING (23. *Good and bad for a motorist); CLOSING SALE (37. *Good and bad for a marketer); SHAVING A BEARD (52. *Good and bad for a West Point cadet); TRUSTY MACHETE (78. *Good and bad for a jungle guide); BLACK OF NIGHT (90. *Good and bad for a vampire); COVERT OPERATIONS (108. *Good and bad for a spy).
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

Remaining clues across: 1970s dance craze; 7. Sweet-talk; 11. Call letters?; 15. Cartoonist who took on Boss Tweed; 19. Involve; 20. Predecessor of George I; 21. Napoleonic army weapon; 22. Bullpen stats; 26. Meridian; 27. Evoking goose bumps, say; 28. Some excuses; 29. Place with “Now Serving” numbers; 30. Hot dog add-on; 31. Insect repellent; 32. Any entry on a Dear Santa list; 33. Part of a frame; 34. Some skirts; 35. Relaxation; 39. Directional word; 40. Arachne had one; 41. Civil War side; 42. Dumbhead; 45. Quarter-inch of snow, e.g.; 48. Feverish conditions; 49. Where lieutenants are trained: Abbr.; 55. Stole for example; 57. Cry before screeching brakes, maybe; 58. 105-Down output; 59. Us outside the U.S.; 61. Aussie lass; 6 “Take ATIP from me”; 63. River through Interlaken; 65. Buck; 67. “Three Places in New England” composer; 68. Tab, at times; 71. Car with a griffin in its logo; 73. On; 75. Gomez’s sweetie; 76. Unoriginal work; 81. Hosp. features; 82. Major ecological community; 84. What’s hot; 86. Mao, e.g.; 86. Kind of drug that inhibits bacteria; 87. Bygone French coins; 88. MS. Readers; 94. Criminal’s worry; 98. Preferably; 99. All nerves; 100. Sprees; 101. ARAB League; 103. No longer in the closet; 104. “No shirt, no shoes, no service,” e.g.; 105. Chihuahua cat; 106. Note taker; 107. Crop; 111. “Take this!”; 112. Not a teetotaler; 113. Legal hearing; 114. Theater features; 115. Runner’s place; 116. Places where free spirits aren’t found?; 117. Boston’s MASS Ave.; 118. Boulevard, e.g.
Down: 1. Cut down; 2. Remove from a spindle; 3. Sound choice?; 4. Without words; 5. Go for; 6. Third of July?; 7. Sausage part; 8. Beginning; 9. Some operators in Boolean logic; 10. Today’s thirty something, for short; 11. Parties; 12. Cause of a stain, perhaps; 13. “VENI Creator Spiritus” (Latin hymn); 14. Mastermind game piece; 15. Relatively close; 16. Deep mysteries; 17. Justice Alito; 18. Menace along the Congo; 24. Verve; 25. Local language, say; 30. Book club gathering, e.g.; 32. Minnesota county or its seat; 33. Campaign staple; 34. Corresponds; 36. Places; 37. Test track obstacle; 38. You name it; 40. Free; 42. “Royal Wedding” star, 1951; 43. 2005 Emmy winner for “Boston Legal”; 44. Certain jazz musicians; 46. Train stop between Delhi and Mumbai; 47. Byes; 48. Worships; 49. Douglas’s “Spartacus” co-star; 50. Frozen pizza brand; 51. In a cache; 53. Dodge sports car; 54. Legendary bird; 56. Painter Haring; 60. Chorus member in an ancient Greek play; 64. It may be cocked; 66. Home of “Christina’s World,” for short; 69. Took to task; 70. Measuring tape user; 72. Exaggeratedly masculine; 74. Motorola products; 77. Remove; 79. Sealed; 80. Yield; 83. End run, e.g.; 86. Machinated; 87. Ham and EGGER (average Joe); 89.l One favoring a strong, centralized government; 90. Soup starters; 91. Mountain LAUREL; 92. Getup; 93. Layabouts; 94. Sprinkles, maybe; 95. “M*A*S*H” private Straminsky; 96. Ring of color; 97. Forty-niner, e.g.; 100. Makes sport of; 102. Domineering; 104. Santa ROSA, Calif.; 105. Painter of “The Naked Maja”; 106. Ruckus; 108. Kind of reporter; 109. Singer Waits; 110. It’s below the majors.

Another devious plan to disable Pakistan

Both Israel and India aspire to become unchallenged military powers of Middle East and South Asia respectively. USA provides requisite backup support to accomplish their ambitions. In order to retain their regional ascendancy both have laid particular attention towards modernising conventional and unconventional military means far outmatching their neighbours. Apart from building their military power it becomes necessary for the duo to ensure that none of its neighbours acquires any weapon system superior to its own or is in a position to flex muscles or group together to pose a credible challenge.

Above all, they over ensure that no Muslim country possess nuclear capability and be in a position to avert blackmailing and bullying tactics. In other words, both desire weak and subservient states doing their biddings. Nuclear capability with any country is a death knell for their megalomaniac aspirations and hence a binding necessity to prevent its acquisition.

Iraq was the first Muslim country which was fast moving towards acquiring nuclear capability. Once Iraq got fully embroiled in war with Iran, Israel destroyed the Iraqi nuclear plant at Osirak in 1981. Later on, USA helped in decimating Iraqi conventional military power through First and 2nd Gulf Wars and reducing the most powerful military machine of the Arab world to a mere counter insurgent force. Having already neutralised Egypt through Camp David Accord, Israel emerged as the unchallenged military power of the region. Suspected nuclear program of Syria in Negev desert was destroyed by Israeli planes when Lebanon was invaded by Israeli troops in 2007.

Israel is now worried about Iran which it suspects is developing weapon graded nuclear program with the active assistance of Russia. Iran?s well-developed delivery means and aggressive stance adopted by Iranian leadership against Israel add to its woes. Tel Aviv is not in a position to cause any harm to Iran at its own and is therefore persistently pestering USA to destroy Iran?s nuclear plants. Unless these nuclear facilities are destroyed, Israel would always remain insecure and even hesitant to go full hog against Iran backed Hezbollah and Hamas, the two radical groups who have seriously compromised the authority of Israeli military power for the first time. Ever since the rise of Islamists in Iran, USA has been resorting to covert means to bring the regime down and replace it with moderate reformists. It had pumped in millions of dollars during the last elections in Iran to affect a regime change but failed. It has also failed to coerce, isolate or entice the leadership to abandon its nuclear program in return for monetary benefits. CIA is however still busy carrying out covert operations through Iraq and Baluchistan where it has cultivated a Sunni Iranian group Jandullah for carrying out sabotage and subversion in neighbouring Zahidan province. Shamsi air base in Baluchistan still in use of US troops is used for monitoring Iran.

As far as India is concerned, it is faced with nuclear Pakistan which is presently an ally of USA in the ongoing war on terror. Pakistan has never accepted the hegemony of India even when it was non-nuclear and had gone to war with India in 1948, 1965 and in 1971. Kargil conflict in summer of 1999 had the potential of getting converted into full blown war with possible nuclear overtone. Nuclear Pakistan is a common threat to both India and Israel since the latter feels that either it could transfer nuclear technology to any of its Arab neighbour or come to the aid of a Muslim country embroiled with it. It also fears that Islamic militants might steal nuclear bombs and pose a threat to its existence. Because of commonality of threat perceptions, both India and Israel are working in tandem in pursuit of common objectives.

The duo has developed close military, economic, and nuclear ties and Israel is now the biggest arms supplier to India. Both have been vying to destroy Pakistan nuclear facility at Kahuta since 1980s. Having discerned that its destruction through a surgical strike is risky because of efficient and credible response system of Pakistan, the duo has been trying to disable Pakistan nuclear capability through indirect means.

Occupation of Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11 provided a godsend opportunity to India and Israel to give practical shape to its nefarious plan of disarming Pakistan. From 2002 onwards RAW, Mossad with the active collaboration of CIA and FBI have been undertaking subversive activities inside Pakistan from Kabul to weaken all the protective bunds around nuclear assets and hijack it at an opportune time without having to wage a war. The godfather USA helped its chief operators by winning over Gen Musharraf and opening up western border for undertaking clandestine operations in the selected regions. The trio then set about weakening Pakistan?s state institutions through a wilful and well orchestrated propaganda campaign. India has always used propaganda warfare as an instrument to achieve its ends. The vilification campaign was intensified from 2005 onwards and it gained momentum in 2008 onwards. The targets chosen were the army and the ISI since the plotters knew that without sufficiently enfeebling these two institutions it would not be possible for them to achieve their objectives.

The trio worked on following objectives: One, dupe Pakistan leadership by promising carrots, peace with India and solution to Kashmir. Two, cultivate important officials in various government departments, media and legal fraternity. Three, inject secularism and remove the notion of Jihad, project militancy as the main threat to the existence of Pakistan and accentuate secular-Islamist divide. Four, stoke ethnic tensions, sectarian strife, fissiparous tendencies and aid insurgencies. Five, create divisions within the society and polarise it politically. Six, defame the army and then create a wedge between the army and the civil government. Seven, create misgivings, frustration, disillusionment, fear and despair among the people. Eight, cripple state institutions and render the nation headless and disoriented. Nine, weaken economy and make Pakistan subservient to IMF. Ten, deny Pak army and the ISI any role in protecting nuclear arsenal. Eleven, make Pakistan ungovernable and a failing state. Eleven, justify entry of US-Nato forces into Pakistan to save Pakistan from its takeover by militants and to take nuclear assets in their safe custody.

While India established string of Pakistan-specific consulates in Afghanistan, RAW was given huge funds to accomplish its mission of destabilisation of Pakistan. It recruited, trained and launched agents into Baluchistan, Fata and Swat. Likewise, Mossad set up camps in Badakshan to launch its agents into areas which had already been made restive by CIA as a consequence to forced induction of Pak troops into Fata and the CIA-FBI combine playing a double game. Afghans, Chechens, Uzbeks, Caucasians and disgruntled elements within Pakistan were trained in a manner that they could easily get mixed up with the locals. Some of the Hindu agents of RAW were caught and found uncircumcised. The tasks assigned to the agents were to create lawlessness and to defame the Taliban and to keep the pot of militancy boiling.

After making the peaceful areas restive, ironically, increasing militancy in nuclear-armed Pakistan has become one of the major causes of worry for USA. Madeline Albright said that Pakistan is an international migraine. Continuous drone attacks killing innocent people and meddlesome role of RAW and CIA has in fact given migraine to Pakistan. It must be remembered that CIA is instrumental in fomenting Jihadism and militancy in Pakistan in 1980s because of which the people of Pakistan are suffering the most. Illegal occupation of Afghanistan in 2001 together with oppressive policies has triggered militancy in the region. In nuclear-armed India, neither USA nor any other country stoked extremism and militancy. Yet the level and scale of militancy in India far outweigh Pakistan. While Hindu-Muslim riots in India are a regular phenomenon, in Pakistan the Hindus have never been persecuted. Whereas the Hindu extremists are intolerant towards all the minorities living in India and are always looking for an excuse to butcher them, in Pakistan all minorities are treated fairly.

Indian Muslims are looked at with suspicion and they live in perpetual fear. The hatred of Hindu Rightist and Leftist against them is so intense that they treat them as second rated citizens and yearn to kill each one of them. The recently released film Slum dog Millionaire has exposed the wretched state of affairs of Indian Muslims and has become a cause of embarrassment for India. No religious party in Pakistan seek destruction of India while the Hindu extremist parties have often voiced their wish to nuke Pakistan. There has not been a single incident of theft of nuclear material in Pakistan but several cases of theft have taken place in India and yet the western world brazenly say that Pakistan?s nuclear assets are in danger of getting stolen by extremists. Hindu extremists are so intolerant that they cannot even see their sports team getting defeated by Pakistani team..

The newly appointed Special Envoy Holbrooke undertook a visit to Pakistan, Afghanistan and India to tie up loose ends of a planned joint military operation from both sides of the Durand Line. In this US-Nato-Afghan-Pakistan troops would be taking part under the overall command of US or Nato Commander with focus on the strip along Pak-Afghan border. This operation would enable foreign troops to gain entry into Pakistan and to establish a military base in Fata under the guise of providing protection to nuclear assets. Looking at the list of objectives set against Pakistan, lot of ground has already been covered by our adversaries. Having come out of Mumbai trap unscathed, it is now to be seen how our leaders respond to this devious plan aimed at disabling Pakistan. Asif Haroon Rajar/


German who put Americans on the moon RIP

Konrad Dannenberg one of the last of the German rocket men who put Americans on the moon RIP

Konrad Dannenberg at the Marshall Space
and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Konrad Dannenberg who died this week aged 95 was one of last of the 118 German rocket scientists, many ideological Nazis, who arrived on "Operation Paperclip" in Huntsville Alabama (visit the Von Braun Astronomy Facility, The Von Braun Civic Center) in a case of post war "special rendition" of prisoners.... and rocket parts , equipment etc.,

Trained at Hanover and fascinated by rocketry he ended up helping on the German WW II V-2 missile – built using slave labour – which the Germans used (with devastating success) to indiscriminately kill several thousand people in Europe.

About 1000 of these missiles were fired at the cities of London (see map of sites hit) and Norwich, while about 2000 more were fired at targets on the European continent.

Given top-secret clearance by the US Government , he worked with Wernher von Braun on US military weapons systems. When NASA was established in 1958, Dannenberg became a key agency leader: the deputy manager of the program that produced the Saturn V, the first rocket to send humans to the moon. The engine he helped design in the 1960s Marshall Space Flight Centerat remains the foundation for NASA's rockets. "His fingerprints are all over it," NASA exploration official Steve Cook told Forbes in 2007.

Dannenberg never publicly expressed remorse for the people killed by the V-2 he helped create, assigning sole moral responsibility to the Nazi officials who ordered its use.

The Huntsville Times report,family, friends and admirers filled the theater of the Davidson Center for Space Exploration Friday afternoon for a memorial to Dannenberg which, in the words of Ralph Petroff, was definitely not a funeral service - "This is a celebration of the life of this extraordinary man,".... "If there ever was a rocket scientist, he was a rocket scientist," Klaus Dannenberg said of his father.

Previous posts on Operation Paperclip - Reidel , Steinhoff , Braun etc.,

See FROM PEENEMÃœNDE TO THE MOON By Konrad K. Dannenberg ... a fascinating read .

"This presentation will briefly describe the activities in the German Rocket Development Center in Peenemünde, and summarize the key factors that made the V-2 rocket an effective weapon. The Allied Forces showed, after the war, great interest in learning more about this new weapon and its military applications."


US Nazis MK ULTRA and Paperclip

Our Nazi allies

02.28.09 -- ELECTRIC BLUE

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Puzzle by Frank Longo, edited by Will Shortz
ELECTRIC BLUE (27. Hue similar to cyan), ON LEAVE (36. Off for a stretch), and ALEC GUINNESS (38. Oscar winner for “The Bridge on the River Kwai”) are the only connections between the four corners of a quadrupuzzle crossword.

Upper left puzzle -- Across: 1.
Hindenburg’s predecessor as German president, EBERT; 6. Cousin of an alewife, SHAD; 14. Drive participant, DONOR; 15. Heads of Italy, CAPI; 17. Place for a tie, GARBAGE BAG; 20. Summer cooler, ITALIAN ICE; 22. Manages to get through, NEGOTIATES; 24. Multiplied, GREW. Down: 1. The rough vis-à-vis a green, EDGING; 2. Summer headgear, BOATER; 3. Bring to the boiling point, ENRAGE; 4. 2001 Emmy nominee for “The West Wing”, ROB LOWE; 5. Quality, TRAIT; 6. Elaborate solo vocal composition, SCENA; 7. It might be kicked after being picked up, HABIT; 8. With celerity, APACE; 9. Like some tracts, DIGESTIVE; 18. Cheerful, in Chalôns, GAI.

Upper right -- Across: 10.
Longtime name in news-gathering, TASS; 16. Gifford’s talk-show replacement, RIPA; 19. Magnitogorsk’s river, URAL; 21. Biblical trial word, ECCE; 23. Roger of “Cheers”, REES; 25. One doing fitting work, TAILOR; 37. Brand of octane booster, STP. Down: 10. Sternum attachment, TRUE RIB; 11. Alveoli, e.g., AIR CELLS; 12. Enter la-la land, SPACE OUT; 13. Spiel preparer, SALES REP; 26. Sports winners, ACES.

Lower left -- Across: 33. Miss at a rodeo, GAL; 41.
Water-skiing variety, SLALOM; 46. Credit report tarnisher, briefly, REPO; 53. Calls for passage, AYES; 55. Origination point, NODE; 57. Toe trouble, GOUT; 60. Dr. Foreman’s portrayer on “House”, EPPS. Down: 28. Stationery topper, LOGO; 33. Burner locale, GAS RANGE; 34. Court crowd-pleaser, ALLEY OOP; 35. Executed part of a 34-Down, LEAPED UP; 39. Shuts up, CLOSETS.

Lower right -- Across: 42. She, to Schiaparelli, ESSA; 47.
First holder of the title Supreme Governor of the Church of England, ELIZABETH I; 54. Governing group, RULE MAKERS; 56. Epithet coined for the 2002 State of the Union address, AXIS OF EVIL; 58. Recommend highly, TOUT; 59. Toy with tassels, TRIKE; 61. Title aunt in a 1979 best seller, ERMA; 62. Plant A SEED. Down: 29. Count, ENUMERATE; 40. Group with the 1967 #2 hit “Georgy Girl,” with “the”, SEEKERS; 43. English poet Smith, STEVIE; 44. Butcherbird or woodchat, SHRIKE; 45. Like supermarkets, AISLED; 48. Locale of Theban ruins, LUXOR; 48. Part of the body next to the sacrum, ILIUM; 50. Ritz rival, ZESTA; 51. Catullus’s “Odi et AMO; 52. U.K. equivalent to an Oscar, BAFTA, and Guinness won that too!
Here’s an electric blue most dread!
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

Defeating YouTube Censorship

When YouTube burst onto the scene in February 2005, it wasn't long before this simple concept revolutionized the way people connect to each other and the way they define "the media." As Vancouver 9/11 Truth activist Michael Hey told The Corbett Report in a recent interview: "I shudder to think where we would be right now if we didn't have YouTube, or if we didn't have the various video hosting services that we have," he said. "Think of the example of Montebello in 2007 where there were agents provocateurs who were outed by citizen journalists."

Indeed, the type of citizen journalism characterized by groups like Vancouver 9/11 Truth (who have confronted such Canadian politicians as Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff) and We Are Change (which has made a name for itself engaging in its own unique style of guerilla journalism) is due in large part to the viral spreading of videos on YouTube, the largest and still most-visited of the video sharing sites. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then surely a video of Luke Rudkowski confronting Zbigniew Brzezinski about his possible involvement in 9/11 is worth a thousand articles attempting to explain the incident.

But precisely because these videos are having such a large effect on the political landscape, there is now a backlash by the corporations whose interests are threatened by a renaissance of grassroots citizen journalism. As The Corbett Report has detailed in the past, the fears of insidious corporate control over YouTube generated by Google's takeover of the site in 2006 have been realized slowly but surely.

First, GooTube responded to requests by Senator Joe Lieberman to take down videos that the government deems violent or hateful (including, of course, 9/11 Truth information). Then YouTube's parent, Google, quietly announced that its staff "pick and choose" what sites appear in its search results, a move with obvious implications for political censorship. Next, GooTube nixed the highly-popular Bulletin system that helped users quickly spread important videos.

The latest move toward the shutting down of free speech on YouTube is the introduction of algorithms that automatically compare audio and video content against databases of copyrighted material. YouTube can then either place ads on the content and give the proceeds to the copyright holder (as happened to this Corbett Report video), mute the audio (as happened here) or remove the content entirely (as happened to some previous Corbett Report videos). Of course, the algorithm fails to take into account issues of fair use (such as the transformative nature of the work or its allowable use for commentary or news-related purposes) and the "appeal process" offered by YouTube, not being arbitrated by a third party, still gives YouTube dictatorial control over any and all content on its servers.

By now, these facts are well understood by those who use YouTube or any other large, corporate-owned video sharing service. The question for activists and those with politically-sensitive content that may be in danger of being arbitrarily removed is how to preserve this information for the future. Although there is certainly no silver bullet that will provide the solution to the problem of internet censorship, there are some very simple things any internet user can do to help insure that important information is not wiped from the internet altogether.

One such idea is simply to propagate the information on multiple websites. If information is only uploaded to YouTube, there is obviously the danger that it will be suddenly and unexpectedly removed from the web. This is the electronic equivalent of putting all of your eggs in one basket. If the original uploader of the video is unwilling or unable to upload the video again, that video is effectively lost forever. To help combat this problem, all users should help propagate important videos by downloading them and re-uploading them to different video sharing sites. The process is extraordinarily simple and once mastered can take as little as 10 minutes, yet may help preserve access to the information for the future.

For those unfamiliar with how to download videos from video sharing sites, there are numerous tutorials and instructional videos that will walk you through the process, as well as sites that list dozens of software tools and websites that exist for this very purpose. Once a video has been downloaded, simply follow the registration instructions for one of the many other video sharing sites out there (such as LiveLeak, DailyMotion, Blip TV, etc.) and upload the video there. A simple process like this can help insure important information is not lost to future activists, researchers and concerned citizens (as happened here).

Another important part of defeating corporate censorship is to support small, independently-operated video sharing platforms. One such platform is VeracityVideos.com, the video sharing website recently launched by Zeke McLeskey of NewsX.info. In a recent interview for The Corbett Report, McLeskey explained the importance of using such non-corporate independently-run websites for disseminating important information: "You can't really replace Google Video, but I wanted to make something that people could use to store their videos without the worry or concern of censorship." Stressing that the ability to combat censorship was the website's primary concern, McLeskey added, "I build the servers, I host the servers, I built the website. Everything is here with me so I don't have to worry about anyone tampering or censoring any of the media."

Click on the player below to listen to the full interview with Zeke McLeskey:

Of course, just as putting all of one's information eggs into one YouTube basket is a recipe for disaster, so too is relying on one alternative site a bad idea. In order to reach the maximum number of people, reduce stressloads on alternative news source servers and maximize the chances of information being preserved, it would be wise to upload important videos to as many different sites as possible. Again, there is no magic bullet that will solve all censorship problems, but a concerned public should make every effort to insure that important information becomes as difficult to remove from the public record as possible.

As part of this effort, The Corbett Report will continue to upload new videos (including upcoming installments of Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist) to a number of different sites, including YouTube, DailyMotion and VeracityVideos. Users who are interested in once again seeing all of The Corbett Report videos that have been censored on YouTube can now watch the videos on our user channel on VeracityVideos.com or in the players below:

Right Now
removed from YouTube

JFK YouTube Documentary
audio muted on YouTube

What Conspiracy?
audio muted on YouTube

James Corbett
The Corbett Report

02.27.09 -- Opinions

Hell mouth, as figured in the Roxburghe Ballads. University of Victoria Library.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Puzzle by Joe DiPietro, edited by Will Shortz
Puzzle features six 15-letter across entries --
THE STARS AND BARS (1. Bygone flag); HAVE AN OPINION ON (16. Think a certain way about); USE THE TELEPHONE (17. Make a call); BANANA REPUBLIC (50. Much of Central America, once); IVE NEVER TRIED IT (54. “This would be a firs for me”); GENERAL MANAGERS (55. Trading posts?).

Remaining across: 18. New York’s Bear MTN: Abbr.; 19. Ballyhooed new product of 1998, IMAC; 20. Name repeated in a nursery rhyme; 21. Short dog, for short, POM; 22. It’s nothing, NIL; 23. Before the races, PREMEET; 25. Kind of depth finder, SONIC; 27. Bit of noise pollution, BLARE; 28. B and O figures: Abbr., ATNOS; 29. Brilliant moves, COUPS; 30. Roll, WAD; 33. Bubbly name, MOET; 34. Loosens (up), WARMS; 35. Big copper exporter, PERU; 36. Cover girl, e.g.?, SPY; 37. Laid-back, TYPEB; 38. Time being, NONCE; 39.
Mammonism, GREED; 40. “Something to Talk About” singer, 1991, RAITT; 41. 1960s-’70s; 41. Words starting a simple request, ALLIASK; 44. 1960s-’70s touchdown maker, LEM; 45. Mission statement part, AIM; 47. First name in conducting, SEIJI; 48. Actress Mazar, DEBI; 49. Lab subj., SCI.
The Worship of Mammon by Evelyn De Morgan, 1909
Down: 1. Beat but good, THUMP; 2. Can’t continue, HASTOSTOP; 3. A tossup, EVENMONEY; 4. Not hurting for cash, SET; 5.
Pastes in Mideastern cooking, TAHINIS; 6. Hardly hearty, ANEMIC; 7. Relating to wheels, ROTAL; 8. You might not get paid while working on it, SPEC; 9. Hurt, AIL; 10. Dayton-to-Toledo dir., NNE; 11. Ladles, DIPPERS; 12. “Scenes de la Vie de BOHEME” (novel on which a Puccini opera is based); 13. Make ANOTE of it; 14. Actress Blakley, RONEE; 15. Comics dog, SNERT; 23. Downright, PLUMB; 24. Emulates Eve, RAPS; 26. With 41-Down, shrunken, NOT; 27. Yet to be engaged?, BORED; 28. Early times, for short, AMS; 29. “The Insect Play” playwright, CAPEK; 30. Withdrew quietly, WENTASIDE; 31. It’s a little over 65 degrees: Abbr., ARCTICCIR; 32. Deserved, DUE; 34. Things that open and close yearly?, WYES; 35. Maui mouthful, POI; 37. Coach, TRAINER; 38. Home of Walvis Bay, NAMIBIA; 39. 1997 Demi Moore flick, GIJANE; 40. Co-firing technique used to reduce pollution from electrical power plants, REBURN; 41. See 26-Down, ASBIG; 42. Furlough, LEAVE; 43. Chambermaid’s charge, LINEN; 44. Pennies : dollar :: LEPTA : drachma; 46. Producers of sunbows, MISTS; 48. Skin: Suffix, DERM; 51. Palindromic girl’s name, AVA; 52. Bill of rights subj., REL; 53. Kicker, LEG.

No opinion.
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Solutions: Stopping The New World Order

There is no silver bullet to stop the New World Order except to awaken the masses and empower the states and dissent in the upper ranks.

We’re starting to run out of the time. Severe threats and dangers of the New World Order are on the horizon. However, I can sense we’re starting to have a real impact in stopping the New World Order. The significance of the Internet was not in their original plans. The power of the Internet was underestimated.

In this article, I will attempt to describe some of the peaceful solutions we have. I do not advocate the use of violence to achieve social and political goals and do not want to discuss them. That being said, I do respect one’s right of appropriate self-defense.


Become well-educated on the topics yourself. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to talk with people. You shouldn’t feel guilty for spending an enormous amount of time educating yourself. I’ve spent thousands of hours and still feel there is a lot more I need to learn.

Keep up-to-date by frequently visiting a place like InfoWars.com or other reliable sources for important news. Breaking news can give opportunities to maximize activism efforts.

Keep notes, sources, and links to verified facts. I wish I was disciplined enough to do this. Clipping articles, videos, and documents with a blog would be a good way to do this. Writing your own blog articles can also help you sort through your own understanding.


You must spend time trying to inform others of the New World Order. I feel the Federal Reserve is the root of the problem and is where you should focus the most attention. Relate this to the current economic crisis.

You should customize your message for the audience. For example, if you’re talking to Christians, let them know the Federal Reserve is usury. However, you should try to avoid religious perspectives when reaching out to a diverse group.

Point them to documentaries which give a good, broad overview. Fill in with documentaries, articles, and other videos that go into detail. Try to point others to mainstream news that support your position.

You can plant seeds by referencing a point you’re trying to make with a point they believe to be true. For example, I was talking to a woman at the gas station when the gas stations were out of gas. She made a political comment disgusted at our leaders. I said, “9/11 was an inside job.” She said, “I don’t know about that.” I replied, “well, the Federal Reserve is killing us.” She replied, “I agree with that.”

Try to avoid the false left/right paradigm unless the person you’re trying to reach comes from a known political point of view, and you can tailor your message to their point of view. People trapped in the false left/right paradigm or who are not political will ignore you if you come off as political, engaging in political nonsense.

Try to stick to facts. Try not to ridicule others who do not agree with you, except perhaps where you are trying to build cultural presence. If you do ridicule them, try to apologize. Let them know you’re fighting for them.

Try to inform anyone in the military, law enforcement, and government.

Use subversion to get the red pill out there if you must. Get creative.

I spend time exposing the New World Order on YouTube, with family and friends, on FaceBook, on Reddit.com, on my blog, in Yahoo chat rooms, on the occasional forum though I find it the most frustrating since you’ll find your highest forms of assholes and close-minded people on forums, and with people in the community to do my part in helping to awaken the masses.

Turn the tables. Use their own negative terms against them. Tell them they are the wackos believing the President [Federal Reserve puppet] and U.S. government [Federal Reserve puppet] cares about them. Call the Republicans the communists. Call the Democrats the war-mongers. Emphasize that your movement is the patriot movement sweeping the nation in the face of the corporate controlled media.


Avoid in-fighting unless they’re being racist and anti-semitic. Jewish people don’t like the agenda of the ruling elite and Federal Reserve either. Lay off the “zionism” stuff, it sounds anti-semitic.

Defend people in the movement if they’re being attack.

Avoid the esoteric, especially “New Age” religions or specific political movements, unless you feel comfortable being a subculture of a subculture. Stick to the facts and mainstream concerns. I promote georgism, but I try not to make it my main focus since the main focus is to stop the New World Order first.

Be visible in the culture. This means start a blog. This means identify yourself publically with the movement by wearing t-shirts. This means going to events and protests.

This means spam YouTube. This means spam the message boards. This means getting involved with something like reddit.com to promote articles which support the movement.

Take part in helping to make important news go viral.

Ganging up with friends to ridicule others who are still trapped in the false left/right paradigm is probably fair game in the dirty world of politics though coming off as their friend will probably go a lot farther if you think there is a chance they may accept the truth.

This means promoting music and other media standing against the New World Order.

Come up with creative ideas to get the culture out there. Check local ordinances to stay legal. Bulletin boards are safe while any form of tagging, such as leaving messages on dollar bills, spray paint, and signs on public property, can be illegal. Chalk, signs, and bumper stickers are a fine line to push since they don’t cause property damage. Decide for yourself how far you are willing to push for civil rights.

You probably shouldn’t use bumper stickers on your car or put a sign in your front yard since this will make you a target of political vandalism by some wacko, criminal, false left/right paradigm retard. You can also become a victim of criminal, jackboot, police harassment. Sadly, do so at your own risk and use magnetic stickers or sign in the window of your car so you can remove them while parked in a public place that may be prone to vandalism.

Be a leader to organize events.


Let them know you’re digusted with their voting record. Let them know you oppose critical bills when they come up. Don’t threaten but let them know you think they’re criminal and out-of-control.

Let them know you want them to dismantle the Federal Reserve and return to constitutional monetary policy. Let them know you want them to restore constitutional rights, especially by repealing the Patriot Act.

You may even let them know you believe 9/11 was an inside job when looking at the evidence and the motive, such as the passage of the Patriot Act.

When they know the masses are awake, these scum bags will start to rethink their alliances. Many have families and friends that will be hurt too and are probably waiting for the masses to become awake enough before they lash out against their masters. The top will start to break down once the masses are awake.

Send in tips for breaking news.


Contact your state and local representatives to support sovereignty legislation. Contact your media to express your concerns. Keep your tone very civil and try to sound intelligent while still trying to express a high level of concern.

Ask them to support sovereignty legislation with more teeth. Propose the idea of volunteer local and state emergency response teams while opposing FEMA, Homeland Security, and other Federal Reserve military forces. Ask them to ban fluoride in municipal water. Ask for tougher laws to fight corrupting influences from federal officials on local and state government officials.

Send in tips for breaking news. Write editorials.

Come up with your own creative ideas. Be a leader.


How will your survive? Storable food, water filteration, gold/silver, ammo, guns, tools, seeds?

Think about the different ways you may wish to respond to certain situations.

In the event of crisis, will you go to the local police to offer support in the event of crisis? Will you organize with neighbors for community defense? Will you go to the local media outlet? Will you volunteer to help keep local infrastructure operational? Will you to go to family or friends? Will you head for the hills? Will you ask family or friends to come to you?

What do you do if the gestapo comes to your home? What do you do if revolution or civil war breaks out?

Keep addresses and phone numbers handy.

Come up with your own creative ideas.

Be very careful when discussing these topics and please don’t discuss the use of violence on my blog. While I respect one’s right of appropriate self-defense, I do not advocate the use of violence to achieve social and political goals.

I can’t wait for the Obama Deception to be released. It will be truck loads of red pills.

Death to the Federal Reserve! Death to the New World Order! GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!


Growing Movement Seeks to End the Fed

National “End the Fed” day of protest calls for sound monetary policy and an end to bailouts

On Nov. 22, recognizing the secretive conception of the Federal Reserve System in this 95th year since its creation, a growing movement of citizens concerned with this country’s fiscal policies will gather in 39 cities nationwide at each Federal Reserve location to demand an end to the Fed, a return to sound monetary policy, and an end to corporate bailouts.

In Washington, DC, they will gather across the street from “Fed Central”—the Board of Governors building—at 20th Street and Constitution Avenue at 1 p.m. Denied a permit to protest on Federal Reserve grounds by the Fed’s Public Affairs Office on the basis that it is private property, the rally, with a stage and amplification system, will be held across the street with a permit granted by the Parks Department. National coordination is being provided by Aaron Russo’s Restore the Republic (restoretherepublic.net) and more information can be found at endthefed.us.

Speakers will include Gary Franchi of Restore the Republic to discuss his organizational plans for furthering this issue and the duty of all patriotic Americans to get involved. Kevin Zeese, former US Senate candidate, current executive director of Break the Bailout, will talk about building a broad coalition to stop further “theft from the taxpayers.” Tony Teolis, veteran of the first gulf war, member of Veterans for Peace will show how the Fed is the primary enabler of our destructive interventionist foreign policy. Rick Williams is a founder of BreakTheMatrix, and serves as chairman and chief executive officer of Basic Media, Inc.

This writer, American Free Press corresponding editor Mark Anderson, also is expected to make brief remarks on media treatment of the Fed and the economic insights and solutions the media ignore.

From the Center for Economic and Social Justice, Norman G. Kurland, president of the board of directors, and former Congressman, the Hon. Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy, will outline an alternative just economic system; and Paul-Martin Foss, legislative assistant to Congressman Ron Paul, will explain pending legislation H.R. 2755 and what the movement can do to support it.

Organizer Debbie Krueger is a former Marine, and a mother of five, living in Delaware. She was a real estate agent when she witnessed the bottom dropping out of the housing markets across the country, and decided something needed to be done. Her research led her to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve System is at the heart of the crisis. “I am devoting my time to help shed light on the Federal Reserve, and to find solutions that will bring us back to financial policies that will benefit Americans the most.”

Jordan Page, co-organizer and performer for the rally Jordan Page, is a young poet, singer/songwriter, guitarist, political activist, and social commentator who has become an outspoken voice promoting freedom and liberty. The hyper-inflation of American currency, the funding of worldwide interventionist military policies, the unconstitutional income tax, the recent bailout, and the engineered economic depressions the Fed causes have all motivated Jordan’s involvement in this most historic citizens’ movement. “Please stand up for the Constitution on Nov. 22 and help us to support HR 2755 calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve,” he said.

Adam Kokesh will serve as master of ceremonies at the rally. He is from Santa Fe, NM and served in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. He has been a vocal critic of the war since leaving the US Marines. He has continued to honor his oath to support and defend the Constitution by taking on those he sees as its “domestic enemies,” especially the Federal Reserve System. He has also advocated various forms of nonviolent resistance including not paying taxes. “As long as the Federal Reserve System has the power to create money from nothing, the individual income tax is nothing more than a means to oppress and enslave the American people. As with all forms of tyranny, Americans have a duty to resist this injustice.”

Those wanting more information can contact:

Debbie Krueger, phone: 302.670.7198, emial: not12submit@gmail.com
Jordan Page phone: 410.310.4528, email: jordanpagemusic@gmail.com
Adam Kokesh phone: 505.470.1917, email adam.kokesh@gmail.com

By Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson is the corresponding editor for American Free Press.


Revolution Brewing?
End The Fed In The News

We did our bit long before the crisis

It is time to resist

David Omand’s national security strategy report shows us we have a very short time to save society from tyranny.

“Once an individual has been assigned a unique index number, it is possible to accurately retrieve data across numerous databases and build a picture of that individual’s life that was not authorised in the original consent for data collection,” says Sir David Omand in a report for the Institute for Public Policy research.

This is not some wild fantasy. It is the world that we are about to move into and which Jack Straw’s coroners and justice bill, the ID Cards Act, RIPA laws and the EBorders scheme have patiently constructed while we have been living in an idiots’ paradise of easy money.

We have a choice: either we can believe that the British state is peculiarly immune to tyrannical instincts that are beginning to show in this government or we can now start to oppose what is going on. We have a very short time to save our society from this nightmare, as has been made clear by Sir Ken Macdonald, the former DPP, Dame Stella Rimington, the former head of MI5, and the House of Lord constitutional committee.

Omand is not the first civil servant to describe this world to us. In 2006 Sir David Varney, the head of Transformational Government predicted that the state would know “a deep truth about the citizen based on their behaviour, experience, beliefs, needs or desires”. The report from the IPPR merely fills in the gaps of this statement and shows us how it will be done.

Omand is a “securicrat” par excellence. He is the former intelligence and security adviser to Tony Blair; he speaks from the heart of the surveillance bureaucracy; and his views are those of GCHQ, which has lobbied for the measures in the coroners and justice bill. His paper is presented by some as a warning – which it is to all of us – but having met the man and debated him, I am pretty sure that this represents his heart’s desire. Either way, the important point is that we now have a very clear picture of what is about to happen, and it is for us to respond by fashioning a society where the powers that technology grants our rulers are controlled.

You may wonder why parliament has not alerted us to these dangers. That is because it is because part of the project, and Labour ministers continue to shelter behind the Human Rights Act, which offers no protection to the British public whatsoever. What we need is entrenched legislation that controls the executive and makes sure that no British citizen will ever be assigned a number so that the state may conveniently watch his or her every move.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to resist for we cannot rely, as Omand asks us, on the "essential reasonableness of the UK police, security and intelligence agency activity".

Tomorrow week the Commons committee meets to discuss Jack Straw's data-sharing proposal in the coroners and justice bill. If this measure goes through we are lost.


02.26.09 -- ZAP!

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley, edited by Will Shortz
The letter-string of INGQU appears to be the main feature of this Thursday crossword -- LIVING QUARTERS (20A. Residence); BURNING QUESTION (25A. It has to be asked); HOMECOMING QUEEN (43A. Alumni weekend V.I.P.); STRING QUARTETS (48A. Many Haydn compositions). The puzzle is
holoalphabetic, almost twice, being short of one F and one Z.
BROUGHAM (38D. Closed carriage with the driver outside in front); DATA SETS (9D. Records for computer processing); ELEVEN AM (4D. Matinee showing time, maybe) and SAUCEPAN (39D. Its home is on the range) are the other long entries.

Mid-size entries rule the day -- 61A.
Finnish architect Alvar AALTO; 18A. “Conversation is AN ART in which a man has all mankind for his competitors”: Ralph Waldo Emerson; ATE AT (34A. Troubled); BATCH (25D. Bake sale display); BEAT IT (10D. “Vamoose!”); BOATS (38A. Common origami figures); ELIXIR (44D. Alchemist’s concoction); ERASE (41A. Clean, in a way); GARSON (45D. She played Mrs. Miniver in “Mrs. Miniver); GLOAM (28D. Twilight, old-style); HURLS (57A. Casts); ILENE (31D. “The L Word” creator/producer Chaiken); 15A. Poet Federico Garcia LORCA; LUSTY (35A. Like Petruchio’s wench in “The Taming of the Shrew”; MY SON (64A. Words repeated after “O Absalom” in the Bible); NIKON (33D. Coolpix camera maker); OXEYE (32D. False sunflower); PLAN ON (5D. Have in mind); PLIED (5A. Worked regularly at); QUASI (29D. Somewhat); REAIM (27D. Adjust, as a satellite dish); SANYO (42A. Consumer electronics giant); US TEN (30D. Old hwy. from Detroit to Seattle); 26D. “In UTERO” (1993 #1 album).
Short stuff abounds -- ACES,
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Remaining clues -- Across: 1. Toastmaster’s offering; 10. Home of Ensenada, informally; 14. “The ___ of Frankenstein” (Peter Cushing film); 16. Acct. ___; 17. Delft, e.g.; 19. “Hard ___!” (captain’s order); 23. Some music on the Warped Tour; 24. “___ see!”; 36. Middle year of Nero’s reign; 37. Santa’s reindeer, e.g.; 39. Ask for; 40. ___ de coeur; 46. 1961 Top 10 hit “Hello Mary ___”; 47. Texans’ grp.; 56. It comes from Mars; 58. Firm honcho; 60. Centers of activity; 62. Ambiance; 63. Something in the air; 65. Occurrence in the moon’s first quarter. Down: 1. Wandering ___; 2. Eyeglass lens shape; 3. ___ Davis, “A Girl Like Me” documentarian; 6. Pants spec; 7. Modern home of the ancient Akkadian empire; 8. It’s similar to cream; 11. Part of a wheelset; 12. Raspberry; 13. Reno’s AAA baseball team; 21. “You’re looking at your guy!”; 22. Upbeat; 41. Capital subj.; 2. Carpet meas.; 48. French town of W.W. II; 49. Lacking depth; 50. Opposite of pobre; 51. Unloading site; 52. They may be bookmarked; 53. Certain casato; 54. Legitimate; 55. “Buona ___”.