Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, edited by Will Shortz
This is one of those crossword puzzles that are often mistakenly referred to as a "rebus puzzle". Well, it’s not -- it is a crossword puzzle with a theme utilizing rebus entries. There is a difference. For example, could it be said due to the fact that this puzzle utilizes NTEST (39D Weapons check, in brief), EMTS (29a CPR experts), COED (11D Not same-sex) and UFO (36A Subject of many X-Files) that it is an "abbreviation puzzle" -- well, no. It is a crossword puzzle with abbreviations. Why? Majority rules. If I find no comment to the contrary, the above is obviously accepted in this blog by those who may visit
Torso of Belvedere (Apollonius of Athens)
There is a “theme” included as part of this crossword puzzle to which ITSGONNACOSTYOU (37A Bargaining phrase…and a hint to this puzzle’s theme) vaguely hints at what turns out to be two entries of two glyphs, an "arm" and a "leg", for a total of four glyphs (or, if you prefer the word rebus, have it your way). The two "arm" glyphs are utilized with the crossing answers of 2D and 17D, 38D and 48A. The two "leg" glyphs with the crossing answers of 9D (One column in the periodic table) and 21A, 47D and 60A.
The “fill” is quite varied and good -- lots of obscurities -- never heard of REAM (5A Swindle, in slang) being used as clued, nor STICK (42A Nail, as a gymnastic landing) or those folk included BELA (14A Banjoist Fleck) and TOSH (51D Reggae musician Peter). Devious clues include 5D Bring back; 34A Kind of officer; 60A Something never shown in bars; 1A Declines; 39D Weapons check, in brief; and 40D Victors of 1865. Liked the “look“ of 53D XBOX. Lots of little statements included --20A. SEETOIT, 26A INTIME, 27D NOTSO, 32D IFOLD, 52A AHME, 59A OHBOY, 63A OKOK, 2D “My stars!“, 3D “Would ILIE?”, 35D “Come ONIN!”, 52D “Alas!”, et cetera. Wondered if the constructor or the editor of this puzzle came up with the cluing for EDIT (1A Shorten, say).
Have never heard the jingle referred to in the clue for 38D, nor “South Park” brother in the clue for 61D -- knew 7D Bat material had to be ASH, because there weren’t four spaces and it's The New York Times!
Illustrations: 39D, 9D, 36A, 60A, 9D, Heiroglyphs, 37A, 38D, 37A, 37A -- left click on image to enlarge.
The use of hydrogen in airships effectively ended with the crash of the hindenburg in 1937. The Hindenburg, a German passenger airship, became famous when it burst into flames while docking in New Jersey in 1937, after a transatlantic flight. The Hindenburg, like many airships built during the early 1900s, used a hydrogen-filled envelope, not helium. Hydrogen (H) is lighter and was easier to get.
Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.
Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.
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