Puzzle by Randolph Ross, edited by Will Shortz
Now you see it -- now you don’t! A very likeable droll puzzle for Friday, if a bit more ARID (48D Like most of Mongolia) than wont, this construction is full of words with spring and magic, both prosaic and inferential. The images of magic abound with insects that walk on water (59A), flesh that breaks stone (10D), songs that win the day (6D), water springing from the earth (45A), a hell-bound hero whose love vanishes into the air (9D), computers that work once more after crashing (17A), a king who vanishes to a secret tomb (22A), goals are tackled (33A), done in time (56A) and apropos (32A), an attempter (34D) succeeds in securing an open line (15A) with magic words (28D).
59A STRIDERS (Insects that walk on water)
10D KARATECHOP (Block splitter)
6D HITRECORDS (Billboard listing)
45A SARASOTASPRINGS (Resort town northwest of Naples)
9D ORFEO (Monteverdi opera)
17A REBOOTED (Got going after a crash)
22A SOPHOCLES (Author of “Oedipus at Colonus”)
33A TACKLED (Took on)
56A INTIME (Before the deadline)
32A APROPOS (On point)
34D ATTEMPTER (Trying person)
15A OPENLINE (Opportunity for a radio talk show caller)
28D OPENSESAME (Magical in)
Divided into six sections with a cross in the middle, there are no three-space entries, with only three four-letter abbreviations: -- OPER (2d Abbr. To the right of a star), OPEDS (23D Many Molly Ivins writings) and SSGT (38D U.S.A.F. rank). That in itself is a small miracle.
DRAWBRIDGE (19A Sign before a crossing) presides over this magic brew like a warning to Mickey Mouse in “Fantasia” -- one can almost see the brooms hard at work to The Sorcerer's Apprentice!
This is a crossword puzzle rich in its wealth of words -- a friendly solve for a Friday!
Illustrations: 19A DRAWBRIDGE -- Vincent van Gogh. Drawbridge with Carriage. March 1888. Oil on canvas. Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands. 10D KARATECHOP, 59A STRIDERS, 22A SOPHOCLES ("Author of "Oedipus at Colonus") Oedipus at Colonus by Fulchran-Jean Harriet.
Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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