The fires of Hell are real and eternal, Pope warns

Benedict appears to be getting into the "hellfire and damnation routine" rather early in his reign. He's doing what I am sure his many predecessors have done when they looked at falling numbers, empty churches and currently, pedophile scandals which are bankrupting many dioceses in the world. But playing the fear card just won't work any more, except with vulnerable children, and Pope Benedict just doesn't get it.

What is that line about people in glass houses not throwing stones?

Benedict needs to get his own house in order, and get rid of the priests who are causing pain and anguish, and permanent emotional damage to kids who are being told, as they're getting abused, that it's "God's Will", and that they can never dare tell another human being what happened, because they'll go straight to hell. The fires of Hell are real and eternal, Pope warns

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