06.29.07 -- Through A Glass Darkly

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker

Friday, June 29, 2007

Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, edited by Will Shortz



1 Sitcom character with a leather jacket that’s now in the Smithsonian

8. The New Yorker cartoonist William -- STEIG, one of the greats.

13. Taxing preinitiation period -- been there, done that.

15. Childish retort -- ditto.

17. Have no dinner companions -- fine with me.

18. Make -- Webster’s devotes a whole page of fine print to this word -- take your pick.

19. They’re numbered in golf -- mmm, is there an actual printed number?

20. Fasten firmly -- never used INFIX, ever!

22. Prefix with lateral -- ISO, new to me.

23. One prepared for church: Abbr. -- not person, thing.

24. Quintillionth: Prefix -- oh boy, give me a break!

25. Thai currency -- old crossword standard.

26. 2004 Brad Pitt film -- starts out good, ends up in shambles.

28. Agitate -- CHURN is an interesting twist.

30. Scream -- how many ways can RIOT be clued?

31. Felicitous - APT, so overused -- sometimes an city unit.

33. 1974 Chicago hit -- another "never-knew".

35. 2002 sci-fi role for Hayden Christensen -- who doesn’t know?

39. Teacher’s request of a publisher -- or a FREECOPY.

40. Capitol Records owner -- strictly from happenstance.

41. Dancer Limon -- ole!

42. Moves laboriously -- very subjective.

44. New York Cosmos’ sports org. -- happenstance (or “fill” as some call it)

48. Linear, briefly -- ONED = one-dimensional (more happenstance).

49. Send a high-tech message -- very today clue, I guess.

50. Kind of season -- well, either that or ETE.

51. They, to Therese -- desperate happenstance (or fill), no other way to clue it.

52. Classic arcade game character who hopped around a pyramid -- never saw the game.

54. “David _____” (1934 Will Rogers film) -- biopic.

56. Seat of Hillsborough County, N.H. -- on the way to Manchester and then the Lakes.

58. Nintendo game with exercises for mental acuity -- at least I’d heard of QBERT.

60. Treats similar to Mallomars -- never had either.

61. Local election campaign staple -- all over Long Island!

62. Basketball defense -- PRESS, goes well with 19A IRONS.

63. Some shorts -- SPEEDOS, the ugliest most useless ridiculous item of clothing ever conceived!


1. Believer - just take away the “a” from athiest.

2. One catching some waves? -- should have put three questions marks!

3. California air station where Nixon landed after resigning in 1974 -- again, ole!

4. Glazed desert -- FLAN, SMORES, Mallomars, someone has a sweet tooth.

5. Mouse catchers -- they catch other things too, but this way we think its CATS.

6. Latin leader? -- who wants CHE?

7. Crown -- after THEFONZ, what else -- Z as in ZENITH!

8. Garment worn over a choli
-- just in case you never heard of a SARI.

9. Bygone carnivore -- ho hum.

10. “I should ___ die with pity”: King Lear -- long way to go for EEN.

11. Drawing medium -- and for tattoos.

12. Ends one’s travels -- well, hopefully GOESHOME.

14. Omaha and Spokane were once in it -- you thought cities?

16. Competitor in a harness - you thought jackalope?

21. Initial venture - maybe Wall Street, no -- think moat.

24. Ad directive -- for the buyer, ACTNOW!

25. Player of Dr. Kiley on “Marcus Welby, M.D.” -- another tv thing I never saw.

27. Ran on and on -- like this commentary.

29. Giants are in it: Abbr. -- who doesn’t know it’s going to be sports?

32. Snap -- oh, yes, clever!

34. Flight - on the…

35. Makes contact with -- nice straightforward clue and entry.

36. Glower?
-- not pout or stare -- but shine!

37. One with a taxing job -- not difficult, dutiful.

38. Avalanche -- this definition was a little in left field.

43. Hollywood crowd? -- very good!

45. Not stout -- I remember now, the song: “Give me some men, some stout-hearted men” etc.

46. Ernie Bushmiller comics character -- not ROLLO.

47. Light measures -- straightforward.

52. Survey part: Abbr. -- not land, door-to-door.

53. Follower of the bottom line?
-- in music.

54. Screen - not scan, not cinema, not interview, not bug-proof, not, not, etc.

55. “As I Lay Dying” character -- just happenstance “fill”

57. It ended when Francis II abdicated: Abbr.
-- ditto.

59. Ernst contemporary -- ditto.

INDIAINK (11D Drawing medium)

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

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