07.30.08 -- Shakespeare

William Shakespeare, detail of an oil painting attributed to John Taylor, c. 1610. National Portrait Gallery, London

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Puzzle by Elizabeth A. Long, edited by Will Shortz

SHAKESPEARE is the subject of today’s interrelated entries -- FANTASTICAND (20A. Part 1 of a quote attributed to Sam Goldwyn) ITWASALLWRITTEN (37A. Part 2 of the quote) WITHAFEATHER (52A. End of the quote), along with the notation of “When this puzzle is finished, the 11 circled letters in reading order will spell the subject of the quote starting at 20-Across”.

For the drama, there's a PASSEL (5D. Large quantity) of activity in this crossword -- SMACKDOWN (8D. Wrestling show), SLAUGHTER (35D. Cream), KNEECAP (25A. Gangster’s target, maybe), PAIN (41A. Pest), EDGY (30A. Nervous), TROD (58A. Trampled [on]); LAMB (1A. Symbol of gentleness); LENTO (9A. Direction for playing a dirge); ELATE (6D. Gladden); EVADE (10D. Avoid); MAINE (3D. “Murder, She Wrote” locale); BLOT (4D. Inky mess); 11D. “NOT an option”; ABYSS (21D. Chasm); PEONS (28D. Lowly types); ANGER (22D. Reaction to a snub, maybe); APART (38D. A sad way to grow); HEISTS (44D. The job in “The Italian Job,” and others); 56. “Now IVE seen everything!” -- all fodder for the feather.

The Cast: SADA (18A. Thompson of TVs “Family”); a TRIO (36A. Stooges, e.g.) and an ALUM (15A. Homecoming returnee); 49A. PHD candidate; DEGAS (63A. “La Toilette” artist); RAES (64A. Actress Charlotte and others), the AXIS (65A. W. W. II foe); an ARHAT (2D. Enlightened Buddhist); BWANA (47D. Swahili form of address); LINNEY (9D. Leading lady Laura); OYL (13D. Popeye’s Olive); STAN (29D. Laurel from England); IRINA (39D. Skater Slutskaya); SWEDES (45D. Early colonists along the Delaware); HEIDI (50D. Shirley Temple title role); and GODS and Monsters (1998 film).

ICEBERG (46A. Kind of lettuce) lays a bed for the food and drink which includes 5A. Goober PEAS; a SIP (45A. Hardly a gulp) of ALE (31A. Irish red, for one); SLOE (35A. Blackthorn); LIMAS (55A. Succotash ingredients); while SWALE (34D. Low marshland) and DROSS (51D. Cast-off-material) ameliorate any appetite. I think no one in the cast ATE (23A. Partook of) this OLIO (59A. Mixture).

The leftovers across: 14. Like some hygiene; 16. “It floats” sloganeer; 17. Home to Columbus; 19. Birth-related; 24. Comb maker; 29. Word part: Abbr.; 32. Places for crow’s-nests; 42. Horses of a certain color; 43. .001 inch; 44. Rheinland residence; 48. Foxtail feature; 60. “Wheel of Fortune” category; 61. Where St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday.

The remains of the day, down: 1. Spa sponge; 7. Auto make owned by Volkswagen; 12. TRA-la; 26. Magna CARTA; 27.Unfamiliar; 30. ELLIS Island, museum site since 1990; 32. City on Biscayne Bay; 33. Dusty place, traditionally; 36. Sporty car feature; 48. Previous to, once; 49. Jacob’s-ladder, for one; 53. Verdi’s “E il sol dell’anima,” for one; 54. “Julius Caesar” costume; 55. Played the first card; 57. Computer unit, informally.

"Suit the action to the word, the word to the action." William Shakespeare


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