04.29.09 -- NINE to FIVE

Eternal Clock -- Shani
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Puzzle by Barry C. Silk, edited by Will Shortz
The interrelated entries for this mid-work-week crossword -- STANDARD WORK DAY (38A. Hint to the word ladder in the answers to the starred clues) -- NINE, TINE, TONE, TORE, SORE, SORT, FORT, FORE, FIRE, FIVE -- that’s right, nine to five!
The longer entries include ARTHOUSE (40D. Theater for niche audiences); ISTHMUS (45A. Canal site, maybe); NAPSTER (32A. Early MP3-sharing Web site); PEEVISH (47A. Showing irritation); SESSILE (29A. Permanently attached, in zoology); SPIRITED (11D. Full of energy); STTERESA (12D. “The Way of Perfection” writer); TESTFLEW (39D. Tried out at an Air Force base).

Six-letter entries -- ERASES (4D. Undoes); GALORE (26D. In profusion); HEXOSE (51D. Simple sugar); ILLINI (49D. “Fighting” athletes); INATIE (2D. How baseball games rarely end); LATEST (37A. Up-to-date); LOADUP (30D. Stockpile); NEESON (8D. “Kinsey” star, 2004); NOLESS (1D. At minimum); NOMANS (3D. Kind of land); PARTED (33D. Like some men’s hair); PERIOD (43A. “… and that’s final!”); SCENEV (50D. Part of an act, perhaps); SCOFFS (46D. Shows scorn); VOIDOF (48D. Lacking); WISDOM (24D. Solomon’s asset).

Five-letter -- ANNUL (7D. Undo); BROIL (54D. Range setting); CLUER (63A. Crossword maker or editor, at times); DOLCE (55A. Sweet, in Italy); EMPTY (16A. Recyclable item); OESTE (66A. Dirección sailed by Columbus); PASSE (9A. So last year); SINEW (23A. Strength); SMITE (19A. Strike down); SWEDE (69A. Dag Hammarskjöld, for one).

Other short stuff -- AMMO, ARTY, BRRR, COS, DINO, EDS, ERR, ETAS, EYE, ILEX, IRA (27A. Good name for an investment adviser?), LAMA, LION, LOG, NIH and NTH, PCB, PEST, OLAN, ONOR, ONES and ONUS, ORBS, OTTO, SEES, SLRS, SPIN, STK (34D. Nasdaq buy: Abbr.), TREE, WOP.
The musical "9 to 5" opens on Broadway tomorrow, April 30th -- well, hello Dolly!
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 5. “The Good Earth” heroine; 14. ___ about; 15. *Small part of a spork; 17. Prayer wheel user; 18. *Musical quality; 20. Cockpit announcements, briefly; 21. Milestone; 22. *Made tracks; 25. Cord unit; 27. Good name for an investment adviser?; 35. *Teed off; 44. *Put into piles; 52. Last in a series; 53. Toxic pollutant, for short; 56. *Locale in a western; 59. Many Christmas ornaments; 62. Holly; 64. *It may precede a stroke; 65. Rat Pack nickname; 67. *Ax; 68. Change components, often; 70. Some cameras, for short; 71. *End of a 38-Across. Down: 5. Camp Swampy dog; 6. Symbol of courage; 9. Orkin victim; 10. Survivalist’s stockpile; 13. Word after red or dead; 28. Pseudo-cultured; 31. Muff one; 36. Wynn and Harris; 38. Quick drive; 41. Medical research org.; 42. Doo- ___; 57. On Soc. Sec., say; 58. Trap, in a way; 60. Winter exclamation; 61. Goes with; 63. Orgs. With “Inc.” in their names.

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