01.01.10 -- Happy New Year!

Friday, January 1, 2010 -- New Year’s Day 

Across: 1. Part of a horse between the shoulder blades, WITHERS; 8. Xanax maker, PFIZER; 14. Quaint game with a giver and a striker, ONE O’CAT; 15. Valerie of “The Electric Horseman”, PERRINE; 16. Like broken things, OF NO USE; 17. Pros at projecting, ORATORS; 18. Ready to be fired, LOAD; 19. Pot cover, TEFLON; 21. Basketball Hall-of-Famer Holman, NAT; 22. Resistance leader in Woody Allen’s “Sleeper”, ERNO; 23. Eldest of a trio of comic brothers in 1930s-’40s films, AL RITZ; 24. Neil Sedaka’s “I GO Ape”; 25. Williamson who played Hamlet and Macbeth on Broadway, NICOL; 27. Its chapel was designed by Eero Saarinen, briefly, MIT; 28. Processing time unit: Abbr., MSEC; 29. Foul territory?, STY; 30. Pas de deux part, ADAGIO; 33. Dostoyevsky’s exile city, OMSK; 34. Coarse, as stucco, ROUGH CAST; 36. Plantation creation, BALE; 39. Dieter’s concern, INTAKE; 4. Org. whose emblem features an eagle and a crown, RAF; 43. She’s a paradigm of patience, ENID; 44. Notable head-turner, OWL; 45. Bouillabaisse go-with, AIOLI; 47. I, EGO; 48. Like some love, FILIAL; 51. Time of Obama’s swearing-in, MMIX; 52. First Across word in the world’s first crossword, FUN; 53. Einstein, notably, ÉMIGRÉ; 54. Elk’s enemy, PUMA; 55. His opening statement is famous, ALI BABA; 57. Uniform adornment, EPAULET; 59. New Testament miracle recipient, LAZARUS; 60. Great Dark Spot locale, NEPTUNE; 61. Blackmailer’s words, OR ELSE; 62. Record producers, ARRESTS.

Down: 1. Some winter wear, WOOLENS; 2. Sure to be grounded, say, IN FOR IT; 3. Matter of lease concern?, TENANCY; 4. Bring bad luck to, HOODOO; 5. Coin depicting Louis XVI, ECU; 6. One with a dreaded style?, RASTA; 7. Play set entirely in a beauty parlor, STEEL MAGNOLIAS; 8. Choat ran with him in 1996, PEROT; 9. Half of a recurring “Saturday Night Live” duo, FRANZ; 10. N.Y.C. transportation debut of 1904, IRT; 11. Movement Herman Wouk called “a single long action of lifesaving”, ZIONISM; 12. Sets off, ENRAGES; 13. Do a store chore, RESTOCK; 15. City hall, often, POLITICAL ARENA; 20. Clown’s over-the-top topper, FRIGHT WIG; 26. Mekong River native, LAO; 28. Zinger, MOT; 31. Police blotter abbr., DUI; 32. One of Iowa’s state symbols, OAK; 34. With 35-Down, Mocha is on it, RED; 35. See 34-Down, SEA; 36. Mix on the range, BEEFALO; 37. Far from Rubenesque, ANGULAR; 38. Put on a pedestal, LIONIZE; 40. Abductor of the Sabine women, ROMULUS; 41. Sustaining stuff, ALIMENT; 42. Obsesses, FIXATES; 46. Ascribe, IMPUTE; 48. Psychotherapy topics FEARS; 49. Suffuse, IMBUE; 50. New Testament miracle recipient, LEPER; 56. Credit card statement abbr., BAL; 58. Credit card statement abbr., APR.


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