01.29.11 — The Saturday Crossword


Vallisneria is a genus of freshwater aquatic plant,

commonly called eelgrass, tape grass or vallis.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Puzzle by Ned White, edited by Will Shortz

Nothing much to say about this Saturday crossword, well... the usual — the solving experience probably depends upon one’s interpretation of some fairly vague clues and the knowledge (or the lack) of some very insignificant results.

Across — 1. Eric SCHMIDT, Google C.E.O. beginning in 2001; 8. Period between Shaban and Shawwal, RAMADAN; 15. “It doesn’t matter … anyone’s fine”, WHOEVER; 16. Home of Nascar’s longest oval, ALABAMA; 17. It may be free or attached, EAR LOBE; 18. Title for Columbus, in the Indies, VICEROY; 19. Start of some picture books, A IS; 20. They can make people break up, RIB TICKLERS; 22. More than un peu, TRES; 24. Rags, TEASES; 25. Firth class?, SCOTS; 27. Soapmaking compound, chemically, KOH; 28. Make clean … or dirty, DUST; 32. Expect that one will, HOPE TO; 34. Something handed down, SENTENCE; 37. Turn into a chestnut, OVERUSE; 39. Keeps cruising, SAILS ON; 40. Present day figure in Paris?, PÈRE NOEL; 42. Cheap cigar, in slang, EL ROPO; 43. They have maridos: Abbr., SRAS; 44. Glass part, LIP; 46. One kneeling at work, TILER; 47. More than ruffles, ANGERS; 50. Sheep genus, OVIS; 51. A runner who loses may still win it, POPULAR VOTE; 56. With 36-Down, cocked, AT A; 57. Works with steam?, EROTICA; 58. Smallish ballpark, in slang, BANDBOX; 60. Clues from 7-Down, ANSWERS; 61. Lazuline, SKY BLUE; 62. Camphor and such, KETONES; 63. Aids in preparing spots?, TEA SETS.

Down — 1. Much of New York’s Garment District, once, SWEATSHOPS; 2. Upscale wedding reception amenity, CHAIR COVER; 3. Wild West show?, HORSE OPERA; 4. TV diner employer of 9-Down, MEL; 5. English poet-composer Gurney, IVOR; 6. Checkout choice, DEBIT; 7. TV host with a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame, TREBEK; 8. Sends, RAVISHES; 9. See 4-Down, ALICE; 10. Some big trucks, MACKS; 11. He had righteous blood, per Matthew 23:35, ABEL; 12. Say “You can’t do that!” to, say, DARE; 13. The love of Juan’s life?, AMOR; 14. Passage blockers, NAYS; 21. County with the resort town Red River, TAOS; 23. Volume measures, STERES; 26. Floor, STUN; 28. Texas city near the Coahulla border, DEL RIO; 29. Like the equation “x = x + 1”, UNSOLVABLE; 30. Case the joint, SCOPE IT OUT; 31. Staples of jazz music, TENOR SAXES; 33. Big creature in un zoológico, OSO; 35. Aye’s counterpart, NAE; 36. See 56-Across, TILT; 38. Freshwater plant also called wild celery, EEL GRASS; 41. Actor Schreiber, LIEV; 45. Emmy-winning reality show host of 2008, ‘09 and ‘10, PROBST; 47. Not from around here, ALIEN; 48. Inlay option, NACRE; 49. Driven supporter, STAKE; 51. Trough’s opposite, PEAK; 52. D-Day invasion river, ORNE; 53. A Webmaster may approve it, POST; 54. Aircraft in 1960 headlines, U-TWO; 55. Mononymous four-time Grammy winner, ENYA; 59. Volume measures: Abbr., DBS.


Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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